• 分子扫描器即将问世

    13-08-06 Molecules could soon be scanned in a fashion similar to imaging screenings at airports, thanks to a detector developed by University of Pittsburgh physicists. The detector, featured in a recent issue of Nano Letters, may have the ability to chemical...

  • The Source of Energy

    13-05-29 A summary of the physical and chemical nature of life must begin, not on the Earth, but in the Sun; in fact, at the Sun's very center. It is here that is to be found the source of the energy that the Sun constantly pours out into space as light and...

  • 保护宇航员免于太阳风暴袭击

    12-07-13 Massive explosions on the sun unleash(释放,发动) radiation that could kill astronauts in space. Now, researchers from the U.S. and South Korea have developed a warning system capable of forecasting the radiation from these violent solar storms ne...

  • 医学影像产生的辐射逐渐增大

    12-06-14 Concern about overexposure to radiation due to excessive use of medical imaging has come to the fore in recent years. Now, a study led by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and Group Health Research Institute, shows th...

  • 宇宙射线改变了月球上冰的化学成分

    12-03-20 Space scientists from the University of New Hampshire and multi-institutional colleagues report they have quantified levels of radiation on the moon's surface from galactic cosmic ray (GCR) bombardment(轰炸,炮击) that over time causes chemical ch...

  • 放射治疗的功效可能会加倍

    11-12-19 Scientists may have a way to double the efficacy and reduce the side effects of radiation therapy. Georgia Health Sciences University scientists have devised a way to reduce lung cancer cells' ability to repair the lethal(致命的) double-strand DNA...

  • 辐射病可能找到治疗良方

    11-11-25 A combination of two drugs may alleviate(减轻,缓和) radiation sickness in people who have been exposed to high levels of radiation, even when the therapy is given a day after the exposure occurred, according to a study led by scientists from Dana...

  • 日本开展土地放射性指数调查

    11-11-15 New research has found that radioactive material in parts of north-eastern Japan exceeds levels considered safe for farming. 研究发现,日本东北部部分地区放射性物质超出了农业生产的安全水准。 The findings provide the first comprehensive estimates of c...

  • 日本辐射牛肉流入市场 引发公众担忧

    11-07-24 据报道,日本福岛县发现87头吃了遭核辐射污染饲料的牛,这些牛已经被屠宰,牛肉可能已经流入市面,这加剧了民众对辐射牛肉的担心。 Concerns about radiation-tainted beef intensified Sunday in Japan as officials struggled to determine the scope of the problem...

  • 核事故使女婴出生量减少

    11-06-11 Nuclear radiation from power plant leaks and bomb tests resulted in millions fewer baby girls born worldwide, according to a new study. 根据一项新研究,核电站核泄漏事故和炸弹试验释放的放射性物质导致全世界女婴出生数量减少了数百万名。 Scientists noted...