• return to one's muttons 言归正传

    22-08-18 这则习语的来源有两种说法,一种认为return to ones mutton原是直译自法国田园诗中的一句: 多情的男女牧羊人在牧场上谈情说爱、海阔天空,最终还得回到现实,回到自己的羊群中来。另一种说法是出自14世纪的法国喜剧《巴德林律师》(LAvocat Pathelin)。有个毛料商指控牧...

  • 为返回作准备 prepare for return trip

    22-04-06 请看例句: Chinas Shenzhou XIII astronauts are preparing for their return to Earth following the Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecrafts recent separation from the countrys space station, according to the China Manned Space Agency. 来自中国载人航天工程办公室的...

  • overseas returnee 海归

    21-11-15 随着中国的发展,更多的中国留学生(Chinese student studying abroad)选择回国就业。海归一词由此诞生。 海归[hǎi guī],取自海龟(turtle)的中文谐音,归表示return; go back to。海归就是海外归来(return from abroad)的意思,一般指海外留学回国就业的人员(...

  • come back with fruitful results 满载而归

    21-01-07 满载而归,汉语成语,原指装得满满地回来(return fully loaded),形容收获很大,取得丰硕成果。可以翻译为come back with fruitful results。 例句: 人们到这家商店来总是满载而归。 People would go into the store and come out with their arms full. 人们热烈欢...

  • 出走半生,归来仍是少年

    20-11-25 下面给大家剖析一下翻译方法: 1 出走半生 这是翻译的难点。按照字面意思好像去流浪了半辈子,但实际上指的是摸爬滚打了半辈子,或者磨练/打拼了多年。 这里无论是摸爬滚打,还是磨练、打拼,究其本质,就是奋斗,我们选一个大家都好理解的词:strive。所以,出走半生...

  • free-of-charge return policy 免费退货政策

    16-12-17 Apple has scrapped its longstanding free-of-charge return policy in Hong Kong and Macao, in a sign of the tech giants determination to deter scalpers from making a quick buck on its newly launched handsets. 苹果取消了香港和澳门地区一直以来实行的免费...

  • return trip effect 返程效应

    15-08-06 Return trip effect refers to the illusion that the return trip takes less time than the initial trip, even when the distance and actual time of both trips are the same. 返程效应指的是一种错觉,总觉得返程用时间比去程的时间短,而其实路程距离和所花的时...

  • Iggy Pop宣告即将回归乐坛

    09-11-03 Iggy Pop has revealed he will make a comeback with The Stooges in 2010 despite the recent death of guitarist Ron Asheton. Iggy Pop透漏,他将在2010年与傀儡乐队重新打入音乐界,尽管最近吉他手Ron Asheton逝世。 Iggy Pop said his band recently returned to...

  • Ousted leader returns to Honduras 流放总统返回洪都拉斯

    09-09-22 Ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya has returned to his country, nearly three months after being deposed. 洪都拉斯被流放总统Manuel Zelaya返回自己的国家,他被免职已将近三个月的时间。 Hundreds of Mr Zelaya's supporters rushed to the Brazilian emba...

  • Wallets with baby pictures 'most likely to be returned' 研究

    09-07-29 Wallets containing the picture of an infant were most likely to trigger an honest reaction from the finder. Lost wallets which contain a snapshot of a baby are more likely to be returned to their owners, scientists have discovered. Researchers left...