• 图书馆的四个家伙

    16-02-22 In the process of recalling my college days, I am reminded of that momentous occasion during my first year at St Montague's, when, by some irksome and malign fate, I discovered myself sharing the confines of the school library with three well-read s...

  • 独自在家

    16-02-22 I live with my Granddad in Central London. He went on holiday and left me in the house alone for 2 weeks. The house is over 200 years old; he has owned it since 1982. Nothing unusual has happened since he has been living there, until Monday night. I...

  • 一位“妈妈”的“抚触”

    16-02-22 The sun was unusually strong as it streamed across Michael's face, waking him gently. There was a surreal stillness filling the room as Michael lay still, trying to work out which day it was. It felt as if he had only just lain down, but the room wa...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 16

    16-02-18 The narrow streets and courts, at length, terminated in a large open space; scattered about which, were pens for beasts, and other indications of a cattle-market. Sikes slackened his pace when they reached this spot: the girl being quite unable to s...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 14

    16-02-18 Oliver soon recovering from the fainting-fit into which Mr. Brownlow's abrupt exclamation had thrown him, the subject of the picture was carefully avoided, both by the old gentleman and Mrs. Bedwin, in the conversation that ensued: which indeed bore...

  • Bring Me a Glass of Milk 捎杯牛奶

    16-02-17 At 2 a. m. Mrs. Culkin was convinced that she had heard a prowler in the living room. Tiptoe downstairs, she told her husband. Don't turn on the lights. Sneak up him before he knows what's happening. Dutifully, Mr. Culkin put on his robe. Just as he...

  • 游泳池常用词

    16-02-14 lifeguard 救生员 umbrella 伞 lounge chair 躺椅 bikini 比基尼 diving board 跳板 swimming pool 泳池 net 网 lockers 储物柜 locker room 更衣室 earplugs 耳塞 towel 毛巾 life ring 救生圈 swimming suit 泳衣 swimming cap 泳帽 goggles 泳镜 sunscreen 防晒霜 b...

  • 商场常用词

    16-02-04 elevator 升降电梯 men's clothing department 男装部 mannequin 人体模特 fitting room 试衣间 display counter 陈列柜 women's clothing department 女装部 price tag 价标 cosmetics department 化妆品专柜 salesclerk 销售员 department store 百货商店 informatio...

  • 怪声 怪腿 怪女孩

    16-01-27 This all started happening about 2 years ago, when my family and I moved into our new house. Everything was normal at first. We were building the house at the time. Some workers and some of my dad's family members came and helped out but there is a...

  • 房顶工人

    16-01-27 I worked in the basement of a Caltech campus building that had been periodically haunted by the specter of the upper half of a roofer who had fallen from the six story roof twenty years earlier. On the day of the 6.0 Whittier earthquakes of 1987 I a...