• small beer 无关紧要的人或事

    22-08-08 1. Small beer 酒量有限,啤酒就来一小杯? 想要小酌一下的吃货们,可别打错了算盘。Small beer就算是要和啤酒扯上关系,意思也是淡啤酒,而通常它指的是无关紧要的人或事,经常会用在对比中,如:Compared to all that it had happened to him recently, this latest...

  • take something with a pinch of salt 将信将疑

    21-12-14 当你觉得某人、某件事情或某个机构说的东西并不能完全让你信服,令你将信将疑的时候,就可以用take it with a pinch of salt 捏一点盐放进去来表达你的感觉。 例句 I always take what that newspaper says with a pinch of salt. They are famous for making things u...

  • the salt of the earth 诚实善良的人

    21-12-14 在英语里,我们可以用 salt of the earth 来形容一个人接人处事诚恳正直,是一位诚实善良的人。 例句 Annie is the salt of the earth. Despite all her own troubles she is the first to offer help to do the chores for her elderly neighbour. I didnt realize th...

  • 讲英语时如何听起来更客气

    21-09-17 首先来说明一下,平时,在用英语和熟人或者朋友对话的时候,我们往往会更随意一些。由于这位网友的问题中提到了 怎样委婉地用英语点菜,所以,下面我们就通过举一些在吃饭时常能用到的例句,来教大家怎样更礼貌地说英语,这些句型通常也可以用在其它语境和场景中。 先...

  • spice up 加入引人趣味的内容

    21-09-03 去 spice something up 的意思就是放更多香料在食物或饮料里使其更有滋味。你也可以 spice up 一段讲话、一个表演或活动:在这里就不是放调料了,而是在其中加入引人趣味的内容。 例句 This salad was a bit boring so I spiced it up with some chilli sauce. Martins...

  • 超90%食盐中含有微塑料

    18-10-26 A study published Tuesday (Oct. 16) in the journal Environmental Science and Technology found microplastics in more than 90% of the packaged food-grade salt -- also known as table salt -- for sale in stores. 美国《环境科学与技术》月刊10月16日发表的...

  • 日常生活中常见的各类调料

    16-06-27 醋 vinegar 酱油 soy 盐 salt 加碘盐 iodized salt 糖 sugar 白糖 refined sugar 酱 soy sauce 辣椒 hot(red) pepper 胡椒 (black) pepper 花椒 wild pepper (Chinese prickly ash powder) 色拉油 salad oil 调料 fixing sauce (seasoning) 砂糖 granulated sugar 红糖...

  • 中国将改变食盐的国家专营制度

    16-05-06 China is to shake up the state monopoly on production and sale of table salt, dismantling a system that has been in place for more than 2,000 years. 中国将改变食用盐生产与销售的国家专营,这将瓦解一项运行了超过2000年的制度。 Salt producers will be ab...

  • 纽约餐厅的高钠食物都要有明确标志

    15-12-04 A tiny saltshaker symbol that warns certain meals are high in sodium will start to appear on Tuesday on menus in chain restaurants in New York City, the first US city to take the step in an effort to combat heart disease and stroke. 12月1日起,纽约...