• saving face 留面子

    22-01-04 在英语里 to save face 的意思是想要保全面子,避免陷入难堪的局面。 例句 John was just pretending to understand the French conversation in order to save face. The wedding speech was terrible but everyone clapped to save the best mans face. The company...

  • 关于day的几个短语

    20-10-16 day by day 我们常说,沉迷学习,日渐肥胖~这里主要强调每天逐渐往某个方向产生变化。 在口语里,我们可以使用day by day这个短语表达一天天地、日益(变化)。 day by day主要强调每天逐渐往某个方向或计划前进,就像辞典解释上写的more and more as each day passes...

  • save somebody from embarrassment 解围

    20-08-25 解围,汉语词语,字面意思是解除敌军的包围( force an enemy to raise a siege),也比喻使人摆脱不利或受窘的处境,可以翻译为 save somebody from embarrassment ; get somebody out of a fix; ease somebodys embarrassment。 例句: 当我被记者困住时,他来帮我解...

  • To Kill a Mockingbird 杀死一只知更鸟 Chapter 25

    14-12-08 Don't do that, Scout. Set him out on the back steps. Jem, are you crazy? I said set him out on the back steps. Sighing, I scooped up the small creature, placed him on the bottom step and wentback to my cot. September had come, but not a trace of coo...

  • 为退休节省资金的几条建议

    14-07-21 1. Join your retirement plan at work. It's the easiest way to save because money is automatically deducted from your paycheck, he says. If your employer doesn't offer a retirement plan, if you're not eligible to participate in it or if you're alread...

  • 《黑衣人3》五

    13-09-23 片段对白 Andy Warhol: Very nice. Blink . That's good. Look in the camera. Agent J: Is that Andy Warhol? Agent K: Yep. Excuse me, Mr Warhol, could we have a minute? Andy Warhol: Now is not a good time. This is a be-in . Agent K: Just a few questions....

  • 《里约大冒险》五

    12-09-25 影片对白 Jewel: Look, let's just get this chain broken. Blu: Right. Then we can go and find Linda. Jewel: No, you can go find Linda. Once this chain is off, I'm going to go back to being free in the jungle. Deal? Blu: Fine. Deal. Jewel: Nice try, br...

  • Waste or Save 浪费还是节约

    09-11-07 Waste or Save Father: Oh, Jack, you have slept away the whole morning. Don't you know you are wasting time? Jack: Yes, Dad. But I've saved you a meal, haven' I? 浪费还是节约 父亲:噢,杰克,你又睡了一上午。难道你不知道你这是在浪费时间吗? 杰克:我知...

  • “冷冻”珊瑚以便保护的方案处于构思之中

    09-10-26 The prospects of saving the world's coral reefs now appear so bleak that plans are being made to freeze samples to preserve them for the future. 拯救世界上的珊瑚礁的前景看起来很萧瑟,将珊瑚礁冷冻保存以便将来之用的计划正在安排之中。 Coral reefs are a...

  • Chicago shuts down to save money 芝加哥关闭基础设施为省钱

    09-08-18 Public services in the US city of Chicago have been shut down for a day in an attempt to deal with a $300m (184m) budget deficit. 芝加哥城市公用服务设施关闭一天以试图解决3000万美元的财政赤字。 State workers will not be paid on the Reduced Service da...