• upskirting 拍裙底照

    22-09-29 据英国媒体报道,最近英国中小学的女生们被迫穿上了防走光裤,目的是防止男生们拍下裙底风光。拍裙底照让许多人认为学校已不再安全。 来看看相关报道: Girls are being forced to wear shorts under their skirts at school to stop boys from upskirting, a teachers...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 30

    22-09-15 Albert Neri sat in his Bronx apartment and carefully brushed the blue serge of his old policemans uniform. He unpinned the badge and set it on the table to be polished. The regulation holster and gun were draped over a chair. This old routine of det...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 10

    22-09-13 It was still pretty early. Im not sure what time it was, but it wasnt too late. The one thing I hate to do is go to bed when Im not even tired. So I opened my suitcases and took out a clean shirt, and then I went in the bathroom and washed and chang...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 1

    22-09-13 If you really want to hear about it, the first thing youll probably want to know is where I was born, an what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but...

  • 《头脑特工队》第5章

    22-09-02 Chapter 5 The next morning Joy was bursting with sunshine and positive energy. She played her accordion throughout Headquarters, trying to rouse the rest of the Emotions with a tune. Hello! Did I wake you? Joy yelled over the piercing sound of her i...

  • study in a school 喝墨水

    22-08-29 喝墨水,字面意思是drink ink,表示上学读书(study in a school,spend time at school),是一种诙谐的用法。 中国历史上,北齐朝廷曾下令在考试时对成绩滥劣者要罚喝墨水,喝多少按滥劣程度而定。这条荒唐的法规沿袭了几个朝代,后来虽不盛行了,但用墨水比喻学问或...

  • 校园常用习语 下

    22-07-27 6. Drop out of school To stop attending school. 辍学。 Example: Mary had to drop out of school when his mother became ill so that he could help take care of her. 例子:为了照顾生病的母亲,玛丽不得不辍学。 7. Put your thinking cap on To think in a se...

  • 美国得州部分学校规定学生只能携带透明或者网状背包上学

    22-07-22 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,当地时间7月18日,美国得克萨斯州第二大公立学区达拉斯独立学区宣布,从今年8月开始,该学区中学生只能携带透明或者网状背包上学。在造成21人丧生的尤瓦尔迪市罗布小学枪击案发生后,得州不少学区宣布要实施这一安全措施,以防止枪支进入校...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 54

    22-07-21 The examination Philip had passed before he was articled to a chartered accountant was sufficient qualification for him to enter a medical school. He chose St. Lukes because his father had been a student there, and before the end of the summer sessi...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 24

    22-07-15 Professor Erlin gave Philip a lesson every day. He made out a list of books which Philip was to read till he was ready for the final achievement of Faust, and meanwhile, ingeniously enough, started him on a German translation of one of the plays by...