• A Bat, Bramble and Cormorant

    14-12-11 A bat, a bramble and a cormorant entered into covenants with articles, to join stocks, and trade in partnership together. The bat's adventure was ready money that he took up at interest; the bramble's was in cloths; and the cormorant's in brass. The...

  • 南极西部冰原融化速度是之前的三倍

    14-12-03 A comprehensive, 21-year analysis of the fastest-melting region of Antarctica has found that the melt rate of glaciers there has tripled during the last decade. The glaciers in the Amundsen Sea Embayment in West Antarctica are hemorrhaging ice faste...

  • 坎井之蛙

    14-11-27 A frog living in a shallow well told merrily its own happiness and well being of life to a big turtle that lives in the East Sea and warmly invited the turtle to come to its home. The East Sea turtle could not enter the small abode of the frog, but...

  • 白化现象对珊瑚有长期不良影响

    14-11-26 A new study by a Florida State University biologist shows that bleaching events brought on by rising sea temperatures are having a detrimental long-term impact on coral. Professor Don Levitan, chair of the Department of Biological Science, writes in...

  • 长期盐度变化对局部海平面变化有显著影响

    14-11-25 Using ocean observations and a large suite of climate models, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists have found that long-term salinity changes have a stronger influence on regional sea level changes than previously thought. By using long...

  • 1989年以来地中海气象潮每年上涨1mm

    14-11-25 A new database developed by the University of Cantabria (Spain) provides data on sea level variation due to atmospheric changes in the south of Europe between 1948 and 2009. Over the last two decades sea levels have increased in the Mediterranean ba...

  • 气候变化间接导致寿司价格提高

    14-11-21 Sushi prices in restaurants and supermarkets are tipped to soar after a sharp increase in one of the key costs of creating the Japanese dish. 在日食的制作成本增加后,餐馆及超市的寿司价格也将水涨船高。 A large proportion of sushi, which combines raw...

  • 北美太平洋海岸的海星遭病毒影响

    14-11-20 Museum biological collections are the records of life on Earth and as such, they are frequently used to investigate serious environmental issues. When public health officials were concerned about the levels of mercury in fish and birds, for example,...

  • “蛟龙”号潜水器全球征集LOGO

    14-11-19 China's National Deep Sea Center and its deep sea research submersible Jiaolong are jointly soliciting for logos around the world. 中国国家深海中心与其深海研究潜水器蛟龙号正共同全球征集徽标。 Jiaolong is out for its first mission in the South China...

  • 地中海鲨鱼群被高度分化

    14-11-14 Shark populations in the Mediterranean are highly divided, an international team of scientists, led by Dr Andrew Griffiths of the University of Bristol, has shown. Many previous studies on sharks suggest they move over large distances. But catsharks...