• 中国国产航母开始海试

    18-05-14 Chinas first domestically-built aircraft carrier has set out from a port in Liaoning on its maiden voyage to start sea trials. 中国首艘国产航母驶离辽宁某港开始海试处女航。 The 50,000-ton vessel, codenamed Type 001A, is the second aircraft carrier la...

  • 中国潜水器成功完成南海勘察

    18-05-03 The Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey Bureau has announced that it successfully completed an expedition to explore an area in the South China Sea believed to be rich in deposits of gas hydrate, better known as flammable ice. 广州市海洋地质调查局宣...

  • 辽宁号在东海进行实战演习

    18-04-24 The Chinese aircraft carrier formation, featuring the carrier Liaoning, has undertaken live combat drills in the East China Sea. 中国辽宁号航母编队在东海进行实战演习。 On Sunday, the formation took part in anti-aircraft and anti-submarine warfare tr...

  • 海龙三号潜水器完成深海测试

    18-03-26 The unmanned submersible Hailong III completed its first deep sea test in the western Pacific Ocean on Sunday. 海龙三号无人潜水器周日在西太平洋完成首次深海测试。 The submersible entered the 1,690-meter-deep sea area from the Chinese research vessel...

  • 中国实时全球海洋监测网初步建立

    18-02-07 Chinese research vessel Kexue, or Science, recently placed the 400th profiling float in the northwest Pacific Ocean. 中国科学号考察船近期在太平洋西北部地区放置了400个探测浮标。 It signals the establishment of the first global real-time ocean observa...

  • 土耳其客机脱离跑道险些冲入黑海

    18-01-15 A passage plane which belongs to Turkeys Pegasus Airlines skidded off the runway of Trabzon airport Saturday and ended up halfway down a steep slope into the Black Sea, Turkish media reported on Sunday. 土耳其媒体周日报道,土耳其飞马航空的一架客机周...

  • 江苏被要求改正沿海生态问题

    18-01-15 The State Oceanic Administration (SOA) on Sunday criticized the government of east Chinas Jiangsu Province for failing to supervise land reclamation and control pollution along its coast. 中国国家海洋局周日批评江苏省政府未能监管沿海地区的填海造地以...

  • 中国将开发海面火箭发射技术

    17-07-07 China has a clear plan to provide sea launches for commercial payloads to be carried by Long March rockets, according to an aerospace official. 一位官员表示,中国明确计划在海上用长征火箭发射商业负载。 Tang Yagang, vice head of the aerospace division...

  • 中国将编纂南海历史数据

    17-06-22 A project was launched Wednesday in China that will see researchers compile historical data obtained during expeditions to the South China Sea since the late 1950s. 本周三开始,中国研究人员将开始编纂20世纪50年代后期开始对南海的探测活动所获得的历史数...

  • 蓝色类英文词汇

    17-06-05 蓝色 blue 天蓝 sky blue; azure ; celeste; 蔚蓝 azure; sky blue 月光蓝 moon blue 海洋蓝 ocean blue 海蓝 sea blue 湖蓝 acid blue 深湖蓝 vivid blue 中湖蓝 bright blue 浅湖蓝 canal blue 清水蓝 water blue 冰雪蓝 ice-snow blue 孔雀蓝 peacock blue 宝石蓝 s...