• 南极冰川加速消融

    20-10-11 This one Antarctic glacier is the size of the UK and is already responsible for five percent of world sea level rise. And the rate the Thwaites Glacier is melting has accelerated fivefold in the last 30 years. 这个南极冰川的面积相当于英国的面积,它...

  • sea-lion 海狮

    20-09-26 Sea-lion is a person who intrudes upon an online conversation in an attempt to engage opponents in debate, particularly by using a tone of feigned civility. 海狮是那种在网络聊天中突然闯入,用一种故作礼貌的语调来介入谈话,目的是让意见相左的人吵起来。...

  • 中国首次完成海上发射火箭

    19-06-05 China launched a Long March-11 carrier rocket from the Yellow Sea at 12:06 p.m. Wednesday. 本周三下午12点06分,中国在黄海海面上发射长征11号运载火箭。 The rocket carries seven satellites into orbit about 600 kilometers above the Earth. This is Chinas...

  • 中国科考船发现两种罕见的深水海兔

    19-05-28 Discovery, a remote operated vehicle (ROV) aboard Chinas research vessel KEXUE (Science), captured two rare deep-water sea slugs in western Pacific Ocean in a recent dive. 中国科学号考察船上的发现号水下机器人最近在西太平洋发现了两种罕见的深水海兔。...

  • 24头稀有斑海豹被放回大海

    19-04-12 Twenty-four spotted seals were released into the sea on Thursday in the coastal city of Dalian in northeast Chinas Liaoning Province. 24头斑点海豹周四在辽宁大连被放回大海。 The 24 released seals were among 100 baby spotted seals that were illegally...

  • 中国国产航母完成第二次海试

    18-08-27 Chinas first domestically designed aircraft carrier embarked on its second sea trial on Monday from its shipyard in Dalian, Liaoning province. 中国第一艘自主设计的航母周一在大连完成第二次海试。 Videos and images published by Chinese media and weapon...

  • 辽宁大量海参因高温死亡

    18-08-07 A large number of sea cucumbers have been dying due to the heat in Liaoning Province, causing direct economic losss of 6.87 billion yuan (around 1 billion U.S. dollars), reports CCTV Finance. 央视财经报道,辽宁省大量海参因高温死亡,造成直接经济损失6...

  • 中国计划制造第一艘核动力破冰船

    18-06-27 Bids have opened for the construction of Chinas first nuclear powered ice breaker. 中国第一艘核动力破冰船招标工作现在已经开始。 In addition to ice breaking and opening new sea routes in polar areas, the ship is also designed to provide power, suppli...

  • 中国国产航母成功完成首次海试

    18-06-22 Chinas first domestically-built aircraft carrier has completed its first sea trials successfully, according to a report by ThePaper.cn. 中国首艘国产航母成功完成首次海试。 The sea trial was reportedly focused on testing the reliability and stability...

  • 中国第二艘航母完成首次试航

    18-05-18 Chinas second aircraft carrier returned to dock at Dalian Shipyard in northeast Chinas Liaoning Province, Friday noon after its first sea trials. 本周五中午,中国第二艘航母完成首次海试之后返回大连造船厂。 The aircraft carrier, the countrys first dom...