• be no longer one's former self 判若两人

    21-09-25 判若两人,汉语成语,形容某人前后的言行明显不一致,像两个人一样。可以翻译为be no longer ones former self,have totally changed或have become quite a different person等。 例句: 他对待我的态度和以前判若两人。 He treated me in an entirely different mann...

  • self-deprecate 自黑

    21-01-09 曾经人们羞于暴露自己的短板,而如今自黑却成为一种风尚。生活中,适度的自黑是一个人智慧的体现,也是一种乐观心态的表达。自黑,网络流行语,即自我解嘲的意思,可以翻译为self-deprecate或self-mockery。 例句: 他受欢迎很大程度上是源于他的自黑式幽默。 His popu...

  • 美国36岁男子发明自助啤酒机

    15-01-24 How much do you hate waiting for another beer in a crowded bar? It irked Josh Goodman enough to invent a pretty obvious solution -- self-service beer taps. 你有多讨厌在拥挤的酒吧中等待啤酒?乔希古德曼就非常厌烦这个,还因此发明了显而易见的解决之道:...

  • selfie 自拍照

    13-02-28 A selfie is a photographic self-portrait, particularly one taken with the intent of posting it to a social network. Selfie就是自拍照,尤指那些自拍后上传到社交网站的照片。 Not since the days of Picasso has self-portraiture been so prevalent. Smartpho...

  • Self-service library 自助图书馆

    13-01-28 Self-service libraries are becoming increasingly popular with Beijing residents, with 50 having sprung up across the city over the past year and 100 more are expected to open in the coming months. 自助图书馆受到北京市民的欢迎。过去一年间,已有50台自...

  • self-snapshot 自拍

    11-12-27 Cheung also reportedly snapped a photo of them together with her mobile phone, and they appeared to exchange numbers. 据报道,张柏芝还用手机和陈冠希自拍了合照,似乎他们还交换了手机号码。 文中的snap a photo of them together就是指自拍,也可以说成use a...

  • 悟透“自己”

    11-10-10 In all one's lifetime it is oneself that one spends the most time being with or dealing with. But it is precisely oneself that one has the least understanding of. When you are going upwards in life you tend to overestimate yourself. It seems that ev...
