• 智能传感器有助办公室内保持社交距离

    20-10-28 If businesses are to get reluctant workers back into the office, finding ways to maintain social distancing will be key. An Israeli company thinks it can help, using smart sensors mounted on workplace ceilings. 疫情之下,如果企业想把不情愿复工的员工...

  • 广州试运营自动驾驶出租车

    18-11-02 Chinas first self-driving taxis started trial operations in Guangdong on Thursday. Passengers can order a ride in one of the driverless taxis using a smartphone app. 中国第一批自动驾驶出租车周四在广东试运营。乘客可通过手机app预定乘车。 The fare star...

  • 昆虫翅膀可能拥有陀螺仪的功能

    15-03-20 Gyroscopes measure rotation in everyday technologies, from unmanned aerial vehicles to cell phone screen stabilizers. Though many animals can move with more precision and accuracy than our best-engineered aircraft and technologies, gyroscopes are ra...

  • 植入传感器的新型人造皮肤能让人重获感知

    14-12-14 A new form of artificial skin, threaded with a network of artificial sensors, could recreate the sense of touch for people wearing prosthetic limbs, researchers revealed. 研究人员透露,一种植入传感器网络的新型人造皮肤能让戴假肢的人重获感知体验。 Res...

  • 纳米传感器用于药物制造

    13-08-20 MIT chemical engineers have discovered that arrays of billions of nanoscale sensors have unique properties that could help pharmaceutical companies produce drugs -- especially those based on antibodies -- more safely and efficiently. Using these sen...

  • 动物体内的温度感应器

    13-08-08 Call it the Goldilocks Principle -- animals can survive and reproduce only if the temperature is just right. Too hot and they will overheat. Too cold and they will freeze. To stay in their comfort zone, animals have evolved very sensitive temperatur...

  • 感应式头盔有助消防员在黑暗中工作

    13-04-02 A specially-adapted 'tactile helmet', developed by researchers at the University of Sheffield, could provide fire-fighters operating in challenging conditions with vital clues about their surroundings. The helmet is fitted with a number of ultrasoun...

  • 单分子可成长形成微型管

    13-02-24 Sometimes the best discoveries come by accident. A team of researchers at Washington University in St. Louis, headed by Srikanth Singamaneni, PhD, assistant professor of mechanical engineering materials science, unexpectedly found the mechanism by w...

  • 自供电系统用于监测核燃料棒状态

    12-10-24 Japan's Fukushima Dai'ichi nuclear disaster that occurred in 2011 -- a result of the strongest earthquake on record in the country and the powerful tsunami waves it triggered -- underscored the need for a method to monitor the status of nuclear fuel...

  • 美国研发“救命”男士内裤

    10-06-12 美国加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校一位纳米工程教授及其带领的团队近期研发了一款舒适、耐穿、时尚,而且可能有救命功能的男士内裤。据介绍,这款内裤的裤腰处用带有碳电极的墨印制了一个电子生物传感器,随时与皮肤接触,用以测量血压、心率以及其他重要的生命体征。 A...