• 豹纹鲨利用鼻子进行导航

    16-01-07 Olfaction may contribute to shark ocean navigation, likely based on their ability to sense chemical changes in the water as they swim, according to a study published January 6, 2016 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Andrew Nosal from UC San Die...

  • 深海鲨鱼眼睛的视杆细胞密度较大

    14-08-07 The eyes of deep-sea bioluminescent(生物性发光的) sharks have a higher rod density when compared to non-bioluminescent sharks, according to a study published August 6, 2014 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Julien M. Claes, postdoctoral resea...

  • 脊椎动物颚骨的进化史

    14-04-17 The skull of a newly discovered 325-million-year-old shark-like species suggests that early cartilaginous(软骨的) and bony fishes have more to tell us about the early evolution of jawed vertebrates -- including humans -- than do modern sharks, as...

  • 史前某种鲨鱼在河流三角洲繁育后代

    14-01-08 Like salmon(大马哈鱼) in reverse, long-snouted Bandringa sharks migrated downstream from freshwater swamps(沼泽,湿地) to a tropical coastline to spawn 310 million years ago, leaving behind fossil evidence of one of the earliest known shark nurs...

  • 雌性鲨鱼会回到出生地产卵

    13-12-06 Research conducted in Bimini in The Bahamas spanning(横跨) almost two decades shows that female lemon sharks that were born there returned 15 years later to give birth to their own young, confirming this behavior for the first time in sharks. The...

  • 鲨鱼的社会网络调查

    12-10-18 University of Delaware researchers are using an underwater robot to find and follow sand tiger sharks that they previously tagged with transmitters. The innovative project is part of a multi-year partnership with Delaware State University to better...

  • 礁鲨在保护区内更繁盛

    12-03-09 A team of scientists, led by the Institute for Ocean Conservation Science at Stony Brook University, used video cameras to count Caribbean reef sharks (Carcharhinus perezi) inside and outside marine reserves on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef in the C...

  • 科学家发现迄今最大数量的鲸鲨群

    11-05-26 Whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) are often thought to be solitary behemoths(巨兽) that live and feed in the open ocean. Scientists at the Smithsonian Institution and colleagues, however, have found that this is not necessarily the case, finding that...

  • 鲨鱼是色盲吗?

    11-01-19 Sharks are unable to distinguish colors, even though their close relatives rays and chimaeras(吐火银鲛) have some color vision, according to new research by Dr. Nathan Scott Hart and colleagues from the University of Western Australia and the Univ...

  • 幼年时期的大白鲨是笨拙的猎手

    10-12-03 The jaws of adolescent great white sharks may be too weak to capture and kill large marine mammals, according to a new study published in the Journal of Biomechanics(生物力学) by an international team of scientists. The researchers also found that...