• 请人代班

    22-03-11 经典表达: Could you cover for me on Friday? 周五的班,你能替我吗? 举一反三: Can you finish it instead of me? 你能代我完成这个工作吗? Would it be possible if I switched my Tuesday shift for your Friday shift? 我想把周二的班和你周五的班换一下,可...

  • change one's shift to get leave later 调休

    21-04-26 五一假期临近,你打算如何度过? 今年的五一假期连休5天,靠调休凑出一个小长假。调休,字面意思是调换休息时间,特指原定休假的时间不休息而调换到另外的时间再休息,可以翻译为change ones shift to get leave later。 例句: 今年劳动节5月1日至5日放假调休,假期延...

  • 地层中细微的黏土在可抑制地震的发生

    10-06-25 California's San Andreas fault is notorious(声名狼藉的) for repeatedly generating major earthquakes and for being on the brink of producing the next big one in a heavily populated area. But the famously violent fault also has quieter sections, whe...

  • 轮班工作者易患肠道疾病

    10-03-19 Nurses participating in shift work, especially those working rotating shifts(轮流换班) , face a significantly increased risk of developing Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( IBS肠易激综合症 ) and abdominal pain(腹痛) compared to those working a standard...
