• 时尚达人必备雨靴

    21-03-23 The economy might be depressed, but the British are still splashing out on wellies. One shoe company has reported sales of the boots are up 673% this year - theyre selling 15 pairs a minute. They thank the snow for our enthusiastic welly-buying. Its...

  • 为了穿漂亮鞋 给脚做手术?

    21-03-09 Has your waistline expanded recently? How about your feet? Researchers have discovered human feet are increasing in size to cope with the extra weight were putting on them due to obesity. According to a recent survey in Britain by the College of Pod...

  • 六个技巧减少高跟鞋对健康的负面影响

    16-06-08 1. CHOOSE YOUR HEEL HEIGHT WISELY. When youre shopping for fancy footwear, stilettos may catch your eye, but try to buy a heel with a gradual incline -- like a platform or wedge -- rather than a steep one. According to Dr. J. Scott Rosenthal of Airp...

  • 台湾建水晶高跟鞋教堂

    16-01-23 A 16m-high glass church in the shape of a high-heeled shoe has been built in Taiwan, apparently in a bid to attract more women. 台湾建了一座高16米的水晶高跟鞋教堂,以吸引女性游客。 A huge glass... what? Yes, you read that right: a glass church, shap...

  • 跑鞋价格越高 评价越低

    15-12-02 Your choice of running shoe is a very personal decision. You've got to balance how well they protect your feet and legs with how they fit, how heavy they are and, yes, even how they look. 选择跑鞋是个私人决定。你要平衡鞋子对脚的保护,和裤子是不是搭...

  • 德国科学团队研究出可自动系鞋带的鞋

    15-02-12 A team of scientists from University of Freiburg in Germany are developing a shoe with a sensor to automatically tie its laces that could be taken off when users click their heels together. 德国弗莱堡大学的一个科学团队正在研究一种可利用传感器自动系...

  • Cinderella “灰姑娘”手术

    14-12-17 Cinderella is a cosmetic surgery procedure to help the feet fit into a particular shoe or shoe style. 灰姑娘手术指为了穿上某双鞋或某种鞋而进行的整形手术。 Example: Dr. Sadrieh's menu of commonly-requested treatments include: Toe Tucks (shortening o...

  • 母亲的高跟鞋情节可能遗传给女儿

    11-10-15 Suri Cruise was pounding the pavement in a pair of sparkling heels, complete with lipstick and handbag, aged just three. 汤姆克鲁斯之女苏瑞克鲁斯才三岁就穿着亮晶晶的高跟鞋、涂着口红、带着手提包上街了。 Now research suggests that her passion for heel...

  • 英国女性受“大脚”问题困扰

    11-08-07 英国一家百货商店新近调查显示,英国女性对大号鞋的需求在不断增加,而同时很多女性又羞于让别人看到自己的大脚。在受访的1000名穿8号鞋的女性中,有82%表示因为脚大而觉得不好意思,超过半数的人承认在商店买鞋时让售货员拿大号的鞋会很尴尬。 Demand for larger sho...

  • Iraq shoe thrower sentence to end 伊拉克扔鞋门主人公将刑满释

    09-09-14 The Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at former US President George W Bush during a news conference is due to reach the end of his prison sentence. 在新闻发布会上向美国前总统扔鞋的伊拉克记者将要刑满释放。 Muntadar al-Zaidi, whose act propelled(...