• 加快排队结账速度的几个小技巧

    16-10-05 It can be one of the most frustrating things in life waiting in line at the supermarket. 在超市排队结账确是一件很让人懊恼崩溃的事儿。 But new research shows that a few simple life hacks can make the process much quicker and pain-free than you may th...

  • ZipLine 一款号称屡试不爽的排队神器

    16-01-13 When you're out shopping it can sometimes feel like you're always stuck at the end of the longest line. 外出购物,总免不了碰上排队这个老大难问题:长长的队伍似乎总排不完。 Shoppers know this age-old dilemma all to well - do you stick to your guns wit...

  • 一种新的消费者类型 运动型消费者

    15-12-03 Researchers found that sport shoppers don't just bargain hunt for the best deals, but also for the thrill of it. 研究人员发现,运动型消费者不仅在寻找最优价,他们还很享受买促销品带给他们的兴奋感。 Professors from San Francisco State University reveal...

  • 英国玛莎百货将为玩具换上中性包装

    13-12-27 Marks Spencer has agreed to make the packaging of all of its toys gender neutral by spring 2014, after customers complained that it was marketing items according to stereotypes. 玛莎百货同意在2014年春季之前为所有的玩具换上性别中立的包装。此前顾客抱...

  • 美国部分实体店“监视追踪”顾客行迹

    13-07-19 为了与各类网络零售商抗衡,美国一些实体商店也加入监视追踪大军,开始通过顾客的手机和能够识别顾客面部表情的摄像头追踪顾客在店内的行迹、观察顾客的情绪,当然是在未经顾客同意的情况下。 Add retailers to the list of groups tracking the movements and habits...

  • 英国蘑菇销量创新高

    12-11-02 Sales of mushrooms have hit an all-time high as Britons increasingly turn to the cheap and versatile foodstuff for their cooking. 在英国,蘑菇销量创下了历史新高,因为越来越多的英国人转而选择这种廉价、多用途的食材来做菜。 Shoppers spent over 365 mill...

  • 网购者似乎不太喜欢讨价还价

    12-06-27 Online shoppers would rather receive an offer for a product or service than make their own offer, according to a study led by a Michigan State University scholar that has implications for the fast-growing e-commerce industry. The findings may come a...
