• feelin' yourself 自恋

    16-01-28 Feelin' yourself refers to the state of having a sense of self-confidence. You are so pleased with the way you look that you would like to show it through everyday actions. What's more, you assume that others would think the same way. Feelin' yourse...

  • 《康熙来了》最后一期将于今晚播出

    16-01-14 The very last episode of the Taiwan comedy talk show Kangxi lai le will be aired tonight, marking the official end of its popular 12-year run. 台湾喜剧脱口秀《康熙来了》最后一期将于今晚播出,标准着这个流行了12年的节目的正式终结。 In this last episod...

  • 新款林肯大陆亮相底特律车展

    16-01-14 The new Lincoln Continental full-size sedan has debuted at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. 林肯大陆新款全尺寸车型在底特律北美国际车展中首次亮相。 It goes on sale this autumn in China and the United States. Lincoln President Ku...

  • 南非女子在巴黎恐袭中装死逃生

    15-11-18 Isobel Bowdery is a 22-year-old woman from Cape Town, South Africa, currently in Paris. 现居巴黎的22岁女子伊泽贝尔鲍德瑞来自南非开普敦。 On Saturday, Bowdery shared on Facebook her terrifying and heartbreaking account of being inside the Bataclan mu...

  • 奥巴马将参加真人秀《越野千里》

    15-09-05 NBC announced on August 31 that Obama will become the first sitting president to appear in a special edition of the reality show Running Wild With Bear Grylls, which will be taped during his three-day trip to the region beginning Monday. 美国全国广...

  • advertainment 广告娱乐

    15-08-26 Advertainment , a portmanteau of the advertising and entertainment, refers to the use of various forms of entertainment (television shows, movies, songs, etc.) to promote products or brands, such as product placement in a film or sponsorship for a t...

  • 亲生老妈:请爵士乐队奏乐当闹钟

    15-08-23 A young girl who finds it difficult to get up for school in the morning was woken up by a live jazz band playing a song in her bedroom in a funny radio prank. 在一个搞笑的电台恶作剧中,一支爵士乐队在一个小女孩卧室里奏乐,唤醒了这个起床困难户。 Sophi...

  • 完全用表情符号写的喜剧

    15-08-09 Knock knock. Who's there? Doctor. Doctor Who? Great TV show! What did the bee say to the flower? Hi honey! Doctor, doctor, I feel like a shoe. Stick out your tongue. How does a footballer start a computer? Boots it up. Which prize is silent? The no-...

  • FOX电视台或将拍摄《越狱》迷你剧

    15-06-12 If latest reports turn out to be true, 'Prison Break' stars Dominic Purcell and Wentworth Miller may feature in a remake of the popular television series by FOX. 若最新消息属实,《越狱》男星多米尼克珀塞尔和温特沃斯米勒有望回归由FOX电视台重拍的《越狱...

  • powerdisking 连续读碟

    14-12-23 Powerdisking means watching several episodes of a TV show in a row, usually from a DVD box set. This can be done over several evenings, or a marathon weekend. Powerdisking(暂译为连续读碟)指抱着DVD碟片盒,一集接一集地观看某部电视剧。这种场景通常会...