• leak (out) information 走漏风声

    21-12-15 走漏风声,汉语词语,意思是泄漏机密或走漏消息,可以翻译为 leak (out) information,divulge a secret或give the show away等。 例句: 这次求婚要保密,如果走漏了一点风声,老穆迪肯定会阻止。 Keep this wooing secret; if it takes the least wind, old Moody wi...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 28

    21-11-29 Soon after this, the general found himself obliged to go to London for a week; and he left Northanger earnestly regretting that any necessity should rob him even for an hour of Miss Morlands company, and anxiously recommending the study of her comfo...

  • hands down

    21-11-02 有绝对,毫无疑问之意。 可以这样联想,因为毫无疑问,所以不会举手提问,也就是hands down。 My favorite TV show is hands down Friends. 我最爱的电视剧当然是《老友记》。 Hands down Ben Rowan is a git. Ben Rowan完全是个白痴。...

  • 爱奇艺、优酷、腾讯宣布取消超前付费点播服务

    21-10-09 十一期间,视频网站相继宣布了一个消息。 Major Chinese video streaming platforms iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Video announced that they were canceling the practice of charging fees for early access to TV show episodes before they are available to other me...

  • Binge-able 形容值得反复观看

    21-10-09 Binge-able 形容值得反复观看 英文释义:形容词 describing a show that is worthy of being watched several times within a short time span. 一般形容电视剧或者电影。当你觉得这部电视剧或者电影值得二刷、三刷的时候,这个词就是想表达这个意思。例如: Black Mir...

  • keyed up 激动万分的

    21-08-26 短语 keyed up 形容一种状态,表示激动万分的、紧张不安的。这个短语常和单词 about 连用。 例句 Im really keyed up about the show tonight. Youve been keyed up all morning, Clive. You should take some time to relax before your exam. 请注意 短语 the key to...

  • show your face 露面

    21-08-03 Show ones face 的意思是在公共场合露面、露脸,尽管有时你不受欢迎。 例句 How dare you show your face in this restaurant after having left without paying last time you ate here! Mary wasnt keen on leaving her house after her husbands death but we insis...

  • show someone the ropes 教人做事的窍门

    21-07-08 英语单词rope的意思是绳子,包含这个单词的表达show someone the ropes 给某人看绳子的实际含义是给某人传授某项任务或工作的方法和窍门。 据说,这个表达源自航海,每个新船员都要掌握系船绳的正确方法,所以有经验的船员则会show them the ropes。如今我们用show som...

  • show a leg 起床

    21-05-25 说到leg,大家都知道,应是腿没错了。可能有人就要问了:show a leg难道不是秀出腿,不是露腿? 作为一个固定搭配,show a leg其实是起床的意思。当你妈妈叫你起床时,就可以说:Show a leg! Show a leg,这个表达的起源也挺有趣的。 据说在大航海时代,当水手叫大家...

  • 圈粉

    21-04-19 既然脱粉是unfollow、unfriend,那么圈粉可以说follow、friend。 另外从被粉的一方来说,圈粉可以表达为:gain/garner/attract fans。 Law professors quirky lectures garner a swathe of fans/gain legions of fans. 法学教授的奇怪网课圈粉无数。 更灵活的说法,比...