• 几种完全错误的洗澡方式 上

    16-06-08 SHOWERING EVERY DAY Most of us wouldnt dream of going a day without showering. But a study conducted by the University of California found that too much washing can actually be bad for you, because it strips away beneficial bugs that help ward off i...

  • 最忠贞的伴侣具有什么特征

    16-01-16 According to a study, couples who talk about bodily functions, have access to each other's passwords and shower together are the most committed. 一项研究表明,最忠贞的伴侣具有以下几个特征:告知对方自己的身体状况、知晓对方的密码,并且一起沐...

  • 环保爱好者一年不用自来水洗澡

    14-05-11 今年27岁的环境保护爱好者罗布格林菲尔德已经有一年没洗过澡了。不过我们这里所谓的澡是指人工的澡,即用自来水洗的澡。在过去的一年里,罗布骑车穿越美国,并尝试用各种天然水源来洗澡,包括湖泊,河流,雨水和瀑布。 San Diego resident Rob Greenfield just reached...
