• 黄莺声带肌的工作方式与人类似

    16-01-13 A songbirds' vocal muscles work like those of human speakers and singers, finds a study recently published in the Journal of Neuroscience. The research on Bengalese finches showed that each of their vocal muscles can change its function to help prod...

  • 在中国发展音乐事业的新加坡歌手

    15-11-15 There are many things that China and Singapore have in common, and one of them is music. 中国与新加坡两国有诸多交集,音乐便是其中之一。 Many Singaporean singers have pursued their musical career both at home and here in the Chinese mainland, as well...

  • 席琳·迪翁:丈夫希望死于自己怀中

    15-08-27 Singer Celine Dion says her cancer-stricken husband doesn't know how much time he has left, but knows he wants to die in her arms. 歌手席琳迪翁表示,她患癌症的丈夫尚不清楚自己剩下多少时日,但是他知道他想死在她的怀中。 Her husband, Ren Anglil, suffer...

  • 郑淳元将在中国开巡回演唱会

    15-07-14 South Korean singer Jeong Soon-won, better known by his stage name The One has announced to a tour in China. 韩国歌手郑淳元,艺名The One,宣布将在中国开巡回演唱会。 I hope my concert can be successful. The champion of the second season of the Korean...

  • 周董喜迎女儿出生

    15-07-14 Mandopop singer Jay Chou is officially a dad. 华语流行音乐歌手周杰伦现在已正式仅剩奶爸。 It's been reported that his model wife, Hannah Quinlivan, gave birth to a baby girl on Sunday. However, some relatives of Jay Chou told media that the girl was...

  • 贾斯丁·比伯接受中国“拔火罐”疗法

    15-07-09 He's currently Down Under to attend a five day 'Christian' Hillsong convention after recently getting involved with the religion. 贾斯丁比伯日前正在澳大利亚参加一个为期五天的基督教希尔送大会,他是在不久前才加入这一宗教信仰的。 And it appears that Ju...

  • 薛谭学讴

    14-12-03 Xue Tan studied singing from the celebrated singer Qin Qing, before long, he thought he had mastered almost all the skills and techniques taught by the teacher, and said goodbye to the teacher and headed for home. Qin Qing gave a farewell dinner by...

  • 夏奇拉荣膺法国文化奖

    12-02-01 Shakira has received the French culture medal in Cannes for her contribution to the world of fine arts. 夏奇拉因对世界艺术做出的贡献而在戛纳荣获法国文化奖章。 Shakira is the first Colombian to have been given the award The Colombian singer of hit si...

  • 埃及发现古代“歌星”坟墓

    12-01-20 一群瑞士考古学家最近在埃及的帝王谷偶然发现一个古墓,古墓的主人是3000年前古埃及的一名歌星。 For researchers in Egypt's Valley of the Kings, finding an untouched(未受影响的) tomb is an exciting prospect, but finding one that became the final resting...

  • 印度歌手Jagjit Singh离世

    11-10-10 Renowned Indian singer Jagjit Singh has died in the city of Mumbai, aged 70. 印度著名歌手Jagjit Singh逝于孟买,享年70岁。 Singh was called the 'king of ghazal' Mr Singh, who was famed for his semi-classical ghazal(加萨) songs, suffered from a stro...