• 裙装词汇

    16-10-10 A-line skirt 斜裙/A字裙 flare skirt 喇叭裙 jumper skirt 无袖连衣裙 beach dress 沙滩裙 strapless sundress 无带背心裙(抹胸裙) dress 连衣裙 mini-skirt 超短裙 overalls 背带裙 pleated skirt 褶裙 cheongsam 旗袍 straight skirt 筒裙 tiered/layered skirt...

  • 灰姑娘沙漏型身材迷倒万千少女

    15-03-25 Cinderella's wardrobe may be brimming with ornate glass slippers but it's her classic hour-glass figure women are lusting after. 或许灰姑娘的衣橱里满是华丽的玻璃鞋,但是招致万千少女疯狂追随的却是她的沙漏型身材。 The new Disney film, starring British...

  • 日本设计师创造会发光的短裙

    15-01-30 Japanese designer Kiyoyuki Amano has combined fashion and technology to create futuristic short skirts that illuminate the wearer's thighs. Aptly named 'Hikaru Skirt', which means Shining Skirt', the garment comes equipped with LED lights and the mi...

  • 裙子尺码增加患乳腺癌风险增大

    14-10-10 Going up several skirt sizes in midlife could be a warning sign of increased cancer risk, research suggests. 研究人员表示,女性过了25岁之后,每过10年裙子如果增加一个尺码并伴有绝经现象,那么患上乳腺癌的风险就会增加33%。 Women who went up a skirt size...
