• 韩国男子在日本大使馆前自焚

    15-08-12 An elderly South Korean man set himself on fire on Wednesday at a protest in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul. 韩国一名老年人周三在首尔日本大使馆前抗议自焚。 The 81-year-old man has been taken to hospital to be treated for burn injuries. The s...

  • vegetable slaves 菜奴

    14-08-14 Many young people these days are house slaves and child slaves, but now they have a new nickname to call themselves vegetable slaves . 如今不少年轻人都是房奴和孩奴,但现在他们又添了一个新称号菜奴。 As people's wages increase, the price of vegetables...

  • Noureddin and the Fair Persian 6

    14-05-14 Now here it must be related that when the Caliph went upstairs with the plate of fish he ordered the vizir to hasten to the palace and bring back four slaves bearing a change of raiment(衣服) , who should wait outside the pavilion till the Caliph...

  • child's slave 孩奴

    11-08-23 And a new phrase - child's slave - has even become popular in the Chinese media, playing on reports of mortgage slaves saddled with large payments for apartments, cars and credit cards. 一个新词汇孩奴最近在国内媒体很流行,经常在有关房奴的报道中出现...

  • 发现:埃及金字塔并非奴隶所建

    10-01-16 New tombs found in Giza support the view that the Great Pyramids were built by free workers and not slaves, as widely believed, Egypt's chief archaeologist said on Sunday. 埃及首席考古学家于上周日称,日前在吉萨发现的新墓群表明,大金字塔的建造者是自...
