• 怎么用英语聊雾霾

    22-06-09 1. The smog is severe! 雾霾太严重了! 2. When the pollution gets really serious, I cant even see the buildings next to me. 雾霾太严重了,附近的建筑都看不清了。 3. Im very concerned about my sons health. If the air pollution stays like this, he wont...

  • 中国将通过卫星遥感监控烟雾

    18-08-27 China announced Sunday it has launched a plan to better monitor and control smog at key regions through satellite remote sensing. 中国周日宣布,将在重点区域通过卫星遥感监控烟雾。 The Ministry of Ecology and Environment said a grid network to monitor...

  • 世界最大的雾霾净化塔出现在大连

    17-06-29 Dutch designer Daan Roosegaarde and his team have brought the worlds largest anti-smog tower to the 2017 Summer Davos in Dalian. 荷兰设计师丹罗斯加德和他的团队为大连2017夏季达沃斯带来世界最大的雾霾净化塔。 The 7-meter-tall device is said to be capab...

  • 欧美雾霾的致命性比中国高25倍

    17-02-20 Smog in Europe and North America could be more than 25 times more lethal than the average air pollution found in Chinese cities, a new study suggests. 一项最新研究发现,欧洲和北美的雾霾致命性可能比中国城市平均空气污染水平高出25倍以上。 In the larges...

  • 专家:抗霾茶“不可靠”

    17-01-20 Anti-smog teas have become more widely available in Chinese medicine shops, pharmacies and online sites. 中国中药店、药房和网络上出售的抗霾茶越来越多。 There are different recipes, but they generally are made up of Chinese herbs such as dried flower...

  • Smog Free Tower 雾霾净化塔

    16-12-17 In a city where smog routinely blankets the streets, a Dutch artist has offered an eccentric solution: a 7-meter (23-foot) metal structure that takes in smog and expels cleaner air. 一位荷兰艺术家为时常遭遇雾霾锁城的城市(北京)提供了一个不同寻常的...