• Do remember not to smoke 千万记得别抽烟

    11-07-21 A much worried patient walked into doctor's office asking for help: Doctor, I don't know what to do. I accidentally drank a bottle of gasoline yesterday! Oh, Don't worry! All you have to remember is not to smoke in the next few days! 候诊室里坐着一...

  • 二手烟的另一危害——听力损失

    11-07-19 NYU School of Medicine researchers report in a new study that exposure to tobacco smoke nearly doubles the risk of hearing loss among adolescents. The study is published in the July, 2011, issue of Archives of Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery. More...

  • 二手烟会使男孩血压升高

    11-05-02 Exposure to secondhand smoke, even at extremely low levels, is associated with increased blood pressure in boys, according to new research being presented Sunday, May 1, at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annual meeting in Denver. Children wi...

  • 2/3以上儿童熟睡中感觉不到烟雾报警器

    11-03-13 An Australian study to determine the likelihood of school-aged children waking up to their home smoke alarm found that 78% of children slept through a smoke alarm sounding for 30 seconds. The outcomes of the study are published today in the journal...

  • 被动吸烟增加患乳腺癌危险

    11-03-04 Exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke as a child or adult appears to increase a woman's risk of breast cancer, experts say. 专家表示,暴露于二手烟环境中的儿童或成人患乳腺癌的风险加大。 Their study of nearly 80,000 women found breast cancer risk was...

  • 更年期吸烟将加重乳腺癌风险

    11-03-02 Postmenopausal women who smoke or used to smoke have up to a 16% higher risk of developing breast cancer compared to women who have never smoked, finds research published on bmj.com today. The study also says that women who have had extensive exposu...

  • 法国餐厅推出“吸入式食物机”

    11-01-31 A restaurant in Paris is offering flavours that you can inhale, instead of tasting them physically. 巴黎一家餐厅新近推出吸入式食物,食客不用动口就能品尝美食。 File photo of LeWhaf. The act of breathing in flavours is known as 'whaffing,' which is be...

  • 三手烟危害超出预期

    11-01-13 Scientists are reporting that so-called thirdhand smoke the invisible remains of cigarette smoke that deposits on carpeting, clothing, furniture and other surfaces may be even more of a health hazard(健康危害) than previously believed. The study,...

  • 冷冻烟雾新型材料问世

    11-01-13 Scientists are reporting the development of a new, ultra-light form of frozen smoke renowned as the world's lightest solid material with amazing strength and an incredibly large surface area. The new so-called multiwalled carbon nanotube (MCNT) aero...

  • 鹿特丹附近化工厂着火 引发最高戒备

    11-01-06 Southern areas of the Netherlands are on the top state of alert after a blaze at a chemical plant near Rotterdam sent out a thick plume of smoke. 荷兰鹿特丹附近一座化工厂着火,发散出浓厚的烟雾,南部地区因此进入最高戒备状态。 Carcinogenic chemical ma...