• mediate a dispute 打圆场

    21-06-06 打圆场,中文俗语,意思是以特定的话语去缓和紧张气氛、调节人际关系,出面替双方调解纠纷、处理尴尬局面,可以翻译为mediate a dispute,smooth things over。 例句: 他很会替人打圆...

  • 粗糙的外表能减少空气阻力

    14-06-25 There is a story about how the modern golf ball, with its dimpled(带酒窝的) surface, came to be: In the mid-1800s, it is said, new golf balls were smooth, but became dimpled over time as impacts left permanent dents(压痕) . Smooth new balls were...
