• 革命性软件可帮助用户跟踪被盗手机

    13-11-17 A company has launched revolutionary software for tracking stolen mobile phones that is impossible to remove from the device - even with a factory reset. Absolute软件公司推出了一款革命性软件,可以帮助用户跟踪被盗手机。更令人惊奇的是,即便恢复出厂设...

  • bloatware 膨胀软件

    13-10-18 Bloatware refers to pre-installed software on your phone that provides more bells and whistles than you'd ever need in your wildest dreams, but irritatingly occupies so much space that there's no room for the things that you actually want to use! Bl...

  • hackathon 黑客马拉松

    13-06-15 A hackathon (also known as a hack day or codefest) is an event in which computer programmers and others in the field of software development, like graphic designers, interface designers and project managers collaborate intensively on software projec...

  • 中文流行词

    13-04-15 晒工资 wages online exposure 点评:晒工资并非将工资拿到太阳底下去晒,而是将工资条拿到网上去曝光。基于这一意蕴,该词可译为wages online exposure。 背景:《中国青年报》近日所做的民意调查显示,47.5%的人上网看过工资条,37.7%的人愿意本着匿名填写,保证真实...

  • 西班牙某机构设计出智能住宅

    13-03-01 For internet addicts, it could be the ultimate way to stay in touch - an entire apartment turned into a giant, online screen. 对于网虫族而言,足不出户又能保持跟外界联系的最高境界就是住在一间巨大的、由在线屏幕组成的智能住宅里。 One of the prototype a...

  • Jailbreak 越狱

    12-09-18 Jailbreak means to unlock the operating system of a mobile phone or other device so that it can run software which it is not normally authorized to use because of restrictions imposed by the device's manufacturer. 越狱(jailbreak)指对手机或其他移动...

  • Win8将于10月26日发布

    12-07-19 Microsoft has revealed that Windows 8 will be released on 26 October. 微软透露,Win8将于10月26日发布。 The declaration was made at the firm's annual sales meeting and was published on its blog shortly after. The firm has described the update as the...

  • 美网站公布职业排行榜

    12-04-14 Careercast.com is out with its list of best and worst jobs of 2012. Its bad news for the writer of this story, but much brighter for the folks who program the code that keeps this website humming. 日前,美国招聘网站Careercast.com公布全美最佳和最差工...

  • 开源软件市场促使高质量产品的产生

    11-08-17 A forthcoming paper in Marketing Scienceby Columbia Business School Class of 1967 Associate Professor of Business, Brett Gordon, in collaboration with Vineet Kumar, Assistant Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, and Kanna...

  • 警用面部素描法将得以改进

    11-03-04 The long-time practice of using police facial sketches to nab(捉住,逮捕) criminals has been, at best, an inexact art. But the process may soon be a little more exact thanks to the work of some Michigan State University researchers. A team led by...