• 有机太阳能电池发电效率更高

    14-04-08 New research from North Carolina State University and UNC-Chapel Hill reveals that energy is transferred more efficiently inside of complex, three-dimensional organic solar cells when the donor molecules align face-on, rather than edge-on, relative...

  • 美宇航局拍摄到最强烈的太阳耀斑

    14-02-24 On Jan. 28, 2014, NASA's Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, or IRIS, witnessed its strongest solar flare since it launched in the summer of 2013. Solar flares are bursts of x-rays and light that stream out into space, but scientists don't yet kn...

  • 太阳风暴爆发时类似超新星

    14-02-23 Researchers at UCL have studied the behaviour of the Sun's coronal mass ejections, explaining for the first time the details of how these huge eruptions behave as they fall back onto the Sun's surface. In the process, they have discovered that coron...

  • 平板透镜能提高太阳能电池的效率

    14-02-11 Micro-machining could be used to create almost flat, Fresnel lenses, that boost the electrical efficiency of solar panels, according to researchers in China. Fresnel lenses were invented by French engineer and scientist Augustin-Jean Fresnel, in the...

  • 卤化铅可用作新式太阳能电池的原材料

    14-01-23 Photovoltaic(光电的) energy conversion offers one of the best means for the future of renewable energy in the world. The efficiency of solar cells depends heavily upon the light-absorbing materials they use. Photovoltaic systems based on lead hali...

  • 科研人员发明太阳能氢燃料电池

    14-01-15 Solar energy has long been used as a clean alternative to fossil fuels such as coal and oil, but it could only be harnessed during the day when the sun's rays were strongest. Now researchers led by Tom Meyer at the Energy Frontier Research Center at...

  • 科学家发现神秘行星与地球质量相同

    14-01-10 Scientists believe one in five stars in our galaxy have Earth-like planets orbiting them. 科学家发现在距离地球200光年的地方有一颗与地球质量相同的神秘行星。 Earth's gassy twin as been discovered in another solar system 200 light years away. But the u...

  • 研究发现水电解反应的高效催化剂

    14-01-09 Solar energy appears to be the only form of renewable that can be exploited at level that matches the world's growing needs. However, it is equally necessary to find efficient ways to store solar energy in order to ensure a consistent energy supply...

  • 美宇航局观测到2014首次太阳黑子活动

    14-01-08 An enormous sunspot, labeled AR1944, slipped into view over the sun's left horizon late on Jan. 1, 2014. The sunspot steadily moved toward the right, along with the rotation of the sun, and now sits almost dead center, as seen in the image above fro...

  • 太阳活动不是气候变化的主要诱因

    13-12-23 Climate change has not been strongly influenced by variations in heat from the sun, a new scientific study shows. The findings overturn a widely held scientific view that lengthy periods of warm and cold weather in the past might have been caused by...