• make off with something 顺手牵羊

    20-12-29 顺手牵羊,汉语成语,字面意思是顺手把人家的羊牵走,比喻趁便随手拿人家的东西,偷窃。与英文习语make off with something意思相近,表示to steal something。 例句: 她顺手牵羊,拿走了那把新的尼龙...

  • do something with your eyes closed 闭着眼睛都能做某事

    20-11-08 表达 do something with your eyes closed 或 do something with your eyes shut 的意思是 能轻而易举地或很好地做某事,就像汉语里说的 闭着眼睛都能做。用这个表达可以暗示你已经多次做过某事,所以做起来轻车熟路,得心应手。 这个表达多与情态动词 can 或词组 be a...

  • 这是个秘密。

    20-10-19 1. Mums the word. 别说出去。 表达mums the word曾出现在莎士比亚的剧作《亨利六世》中,意思是不要声张,一定保密。这里,mum的意思并不是母亲,而是缄默的,是古英语。表达to keep mum也有相同的意思。 2. Keep it under your hat. 你要保密...

  • dude-fussing 瞎捣鼓

    16-05-30 Dude-fussing is when you go camping and someone feels a primal need to poke at the fire every 30 seconds, or when someone is barbecuing and they cant just leave the burgers alone. Dude-fussing说的是这样的几种行为:出去露营的时候,有人差不多每隔30秒...

  • 闻斯行诸

    14-06-16 One day Confucius was asked by one of his students, Zi Lu, Is it right that I may just go and do it whenever I hear about something of significance? Confucius answered, That is not the case! Because you are needed in your home by your father and bro...

  • 《等到永远》三

    13-01-09 精彩对白 Mom: Aaron? Oh, my gosh . I can't believe this. Oh, what a surprise. Come in. Come in. I'm sorry. Aaron: Uh, you, uh... you, uh... you must be... Mom: Emma's mother. Miranda. Aaron: Right. Mom: I... I can't believe this. I'm so goofy , I co...

  • 与“工作”有关的短语

    11-08-31 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Definition: Idiom meaning that you need to have fun in order to be a happy, healthy person. 这句话就是传说中的只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻。 all in a day's work Definition: nothing special, part of the r...

  • 《道林·格雷》三

    11-07-05 影片对白: Henry: Well, Basil, it's quite the best thing you've done. You'll be the talk of the town . Both of you. Speak up , boy. You'll hurt his feelings. Gray: Is that really how I look? It's just so...life-like. Henry: Better than life. He'll a...

  • Imitation 模仿

    11-05-27 A schoolboy went home with a pain in his stomach. Well, sit down and eat your tea, said his mother. Your stomach's hurting because it's empty. It'll be all right when you've got something in it. Shortly afterwards Dad come in from the office, compla...

  • Something really cheap 真正便宜的东西

    09-11-07 Something Really Cheap After being away on business, Tim thought it would be nice to bring his wife a little gift. How about some perfume?he asked the cosmetics clerk. She showed him a $50.00 bottle. Thats a bit much,said Tim, so she returned with...