• 英式英语与美式英语:发音的区别

    22-11-01 你有没有仔细想过英式英语和美式英语在单词的发音上有哪些区别?如果单词的拼写相同,而在英式英语和美式英语中的重音却不同,那么这还是同一个词吗? 1. Thank you for being so hospitable! A British English speaker would say this with the word stress hosPITab...

  • 英式英语与美式英语:语法的区别

    22-11-01 虽然英式英语和美式英语的词汇基本一样,但是在语法上它们还是有细微的区别的。比如,在问别人你有笔吗时,英国人是会说Have you got a pen?还是Do you have a pen? 1. An American English speaker says I already did it to you. What might a British English speak...

  • 英式英语与美式英语:词汇的区别

    22-11-01 英式英语和美式英语最明显的区别之一在于,同一事物的词汇可能有所不同。比如,在表示由人排成的队时,英国人说 queue,而美国人则说 line;在英国和美国,西服背心或马甲的对应说法分别是 waistcoat 和 vest。你能分清特定事物在英式英语和美式英语中的区别吗? 1. Ho...

  • 英语分裂句

    20-12-06 1. Choose the response to speaker A that uses a cleft sentence for emphasis. A: Why do you dislike her? a) I cannot tolerate her silly laugh. b) It is her silly laugh that I cannot tolerate. c) I dont like her silly laugh. I cannot tolerate it. d) H...

  • 2019年初苹果在中国开售HomePod

    18-12-07 Apple Inc. said Wednesday that it is going to sell for the first time its HomePod wireless speaker to Chinese customers in early 2019. 苹果公司周三表示,将于2019年初向中国消费者出售HomePod无线音箱。 The announcement appeared in a banner added to App...

  • Ghost Sex

    16-07-13 At a conference on the supernatural, one of the speakers asked, Who here has ever seen a ghost? Most of the hands go up. And how many of you have had some form of interaction with a ghost? About half the hands stay up. OK, now how many of you have h...

  • You are special

    14-08-27 A well-know speaker started on his seminar(研讨会) by holding up a $20 bill in the room of 200. He asked,who would like this $20 bill. Hands started going up. He said, I'm going to give this $20 to one of you, but first, let me do this. He proceed...

  • He had an idea 想到一个主意

    14-04-15 The speaker found some people leaving the building during the meeting. He was annoyed. Then he had an idea. When someone else started out, the called out to the man: Wait a minute, Ill go with you to see what is on the outside, It must be more inter...

  • Allergy 过敏性反应

    14-04-14 A political speaker was annoyed by a man in the audience. The man coughed and sneezed and blew his nose almost constantly. Finally the speaker was unable to stand it. He very politely said to the man: You are having so much discomfort. If you go out...

  • 外来口音似乎可降低听众的可信度

    10-07-20 A foreign accent undermines(危害,破坏) a person's credibility in ways that the speaker and the listener don't consciously(自觉地,有意识地) realize, new research at the University of Chicago shows. Because an accent makes a person harder to und...