• 非洲象被列为濒危物种

    21-04-09 The largest land animals on Earth. But their size has not protected them from the impacts of poaching or from the continued destruction of the vast swathes of interconnected habitat they need. 它们是地球上最大的陆生动物。但庞大的体型并不能保护它们免...

  • 飞虫数量锐减值得警惕

    21-04-07 德国63个自然保护区内的飞行类昆虫数量在过去27年中减少了四分之三以上。研究人员认为这一现象值得警惕,因为飞虫是自然生态系统中的重要组成部分。它既是植物的授粉者,也是扮演食物链的关键角色。 Since 1989, scientists have been monitoring flying insect popula...

  • 对世界真菌生存现状的评估调查

    21-04-02 研究人员们首次对世界上真菌的生存状况开展了大规模的评估调查。他们发现,真菌王国对于地球万物来说至关重要,尽管目前世界上约有三百八十万种真菌种类,但仍有超过 90% 是科学未知的。 From foods to medicines, to recycling nutrients fungi are vital for life on...

  • 气候变暖将导致大量物种消失

    21-03-23 Can you imagine a world where more than half of our common plant species and a third of our known animals disappear from sight? Thats the scenario suggested by new research on the impact of climate change. An international team of researchers looked...

  • 在达尔文提出进化论之前的人

    21-02-27 Youve heard of Charles Darwin, right? The celebrated scientist who proposed a theory of evolution. You might have just about heard of Alfred Russel Wallace, who co-authored, with Darwin, the revolutionary work On the Origin of Species, published in...

  • 人们为什么爱跳舞?

    21-02-09 跳舞是我们无法自控的一个本能反应。当好心情遇到美妙动听的旋律时,我们不由自主地挪动双脚,翩翩起舞,放飞烦恼。然而是什么驱使我们情不自禁地跟着节奏摆动身体? If you asked me to dance, Id probably freeze on the spot. I lack rhythm and coordination and s...

  • 拯救濒危物种鲨鱼和鳐鱼 “时不我待”

    21-02-08 科学家们表示,鲨鱼和鳐鱼正以 惊人 的速度从世界海洋中消失。一项新研究表明,半个多世纪以来,公海海域的鲨鱼数量减少了71% ,导致这个现象的主要原因是过度捕捞。在所有被研究的物种中,有四分之三正面临灭绝的威胁。 The study found a dramatic decline in sharks...

  • 研究显示现代人类与尼安德特人曾长期共存

    20-11-17 一项新的研究显示,现代人类到达欧洲并把尼安德特人逐渐推到灭绝边缘的时间比之前认为得更早。对保加利亚北部一处洞穴遗迹进行的一系列测试表明,早在4.6万年前那里就有智人存在。 Modern humans are prime suspects in the extinction of the Neanderthals - the anci...

  • 45种野生动物年底前逐步停止养殖

    20-10-13 Captive breeding of 45 types of wild animals, including bamboo rats, will be phased out by the end of this year, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration said. 国家林草局表示,对于竹鼠等45种野生动物,要在年底前逐步停止养殖活动。 确需适量保...

  • 世界海拔最高的水族馆在青海开业

    19-08-20 The worlds highest-altitude aquarium opened to the public in northwest Chinas Qinghai Province on the weekend, attracting more than 8,000 visitors, according to the aquarium. 世界上海拔最高的水族馆在中国青海向公众开放。 At an altitude of 2,261 meter...