• 西班牙科学家可根据步长计算行走速度

    13-04-23 Two Spanish scientists have designed an equation(方程式) that provides a highly accurate estimate of an individual's speed based on stride length. They used data from professional athletes and walking and running experiments on a beach in order to...

  • 跳伞员菲利克斯·保加拿成功突破音速

    12-10-15 Austrian Felix Baumgartner has become the first skydiver to go faster than the speed of sound, reaching a maximum velocity of 1,342km/h. 澳大利亚人菲利克斯保加拿成为第一个超过音速的跳伞员,最高速度达到1,342km/h。 In jumping out of a balloon 128,100f...

  • 机器人猎豹奔跑速度超博尔特

    12-09-07 A robot called Cheetah has set a new world speed record for legged robots, running faster than the fastest human. 一个名叫猎豹的机器人创造了有腿机器人的速度记录,其速度比最快的人类还要快。 The headless machine, funded by the Pentagon, reached 45.5km...

  • two-speed Europe 双速欧洲

    12-08-30 Crisis may create 'two-speed Europe': A two-speed European Union may come sooner than expected, analysts said, as the worsening debt crisis requires deeper and stricter fiscal discipline in the eurozone. 欧债危机将导致双速欧洲:分析人士指出,双速欧...

  • 乘浪者喷气机进行6马赫试飞

    12-08-15 The US military has conducted a test flight of its hypersonic jet Waverider, aiming to reach Mach 6 (6,900km/h). 美国军方对其极超音速喷气式飞机乘浪者进行了一次试飞,意图使其速度达到6马赫(6900公里每小时)。 The 8m-long craft was expected to break in...

  • 哺乳动物的最快奔跑速度决定眼睛大小

    12-05-03 Maximum running speed is the most important variable influencing mammalian eye size other than body size, according to new research from The University of Texas at Austin. Species with larger eyes usually have higher visual acuity, says Chris Kirk,...

  • hit the brakes 高铁“刹车”

    12-04-23 China's railway system, after increasing the speeds of trains six times since 1997 and opening more high-speed rail lines in recent years, has hit the brakes . 自1997年以来铁路6次提速,并开启多条高速铁路线路后,中国铁路系统开始刹车了。 报道中的hit t...

  • 风剖面影响风力发电量

    12-01-18 By looking at the stability of the atmosphere, wind farm operators could gain greater insight into the amount of power generated at any given time. Power generated by a wind turbine largely depends on the wind speed. In a wind farm in which the turb...

  • 乘机必备词汇

    11-06-16 connecting flight 衔接航班 speed, velocity 速度 ceiling 上升限度 cruising speed 巡航速度 top speed 最高速度 night service 夜航 airsick 晕机 direct flight, straight flight 直飞 landing 着陆 boarding check 登机牌 plane ticket 飞机票 flight, flying 飞...

  • 红色能激发肌肉速度与力量

    11-06-03 What links speed, power, and the color red? Hint: it's not a sports car. It's your muscles. A new study, published in the latest issue of the journal Emotion, finds that when humans see red, their reactions become both faster and more forceful. And...