• 中国科学家成功培育出正常功能的小白鼠精子

    16-02-26 Scientists in China have finally succeeded in creating functioning sperm from mice in the laboratory. To accomplish this feat, the researchers coaxed mouse embryonic stem cells to turn into functional sperm-like cells, which were then injected into...

  • 为何老鼠的精子比大象的长

    15-11-23 In the animal world, if several males mate with the same female, their sperm compete to fertilize her limited supply of eggs. Longer sperm often seem to have a competitive advantage. However, a study conducted by researchers from the Universities of...

  • sperm donation 捐精

    15-08-13 There seems no limit to what can be bought via Taobao, China's largest online retailer. The e-commerce player has pushed the boundaries further by offering services including paternity tests and sperm donation . 在中国最大的在线零售商淘宝上,似乎没...

  • 防晒霜和化妆品会“杀精”

    15-07-03 Sunscreen and cosmetics could be killing men's sperm, according to researchers who found that only one in four males has good fertility levels. 研究人员发现,防晒霜和化妆品会杀精,而且只有25%的男性拥有优质精子。 Experts in reproduction said chemical...

  • 科学家近日制造出人造精子和卵子雏形

    14-12-31 Scientists have made primitive forms of artificial sperm and eggs in a medical feat that could transform the understanding of age-related diseases and fertility problems. 科学家已于近日制造出人造精子和卵子的雏形。这一医疗壮举有望转变人们对于年龄相关...

  • 心理压力会降低精子质量

    14-06-03 Psychological stress is harmful to sperm and semen quality, affecting its concentration, appearance, and ability to fertilize an egg, according to a study led by researchers Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health and Rutgers School of...

  • 看电视太久会使男性精子数量减少

    13-02-07 最近发表在《英国运动医学杂志》的一份研究报告指出,男人精子数量减少或与其看电视的时间太长相关。该研究针对189名18到22岁的健康男性进行,研究发现,每周看电视20小时以上的男性精子数比不看电视的男性少44%。 Guys may now have another reason to get off the co...

  • 法国男性精子数量下降1/3

    12-12-05 The sperm count of French men fell by a third between 1989 and 2005, a study suggests. 一项研究显示,从1989到2005年,法国男性的精子数量下降了1/3。 The semen of more than 26,600 French men was tested in the study, reported in the journal Human Reprod...

  • 英机构将开启女性自由选择名人精子服务

    12-10-21 A sperm donor service aimed at matching women with anonymous celebrity dads such as rock stars and famous athletes will launch next year, its owners have claimed. 一家捐精机构的所有者称,该机构将于明年开启一项将女子和名人匿名配对的服务,包括摇滚歌星...

  • 男用避孕药可能马上问世

    12-09-06 Attention men: The day may be coming soon when you can take your own birth control pill with no side effects, according to a study done by a group of scientists that includes a Texas AM University researcher. Qinglei Li, an assistant professor in Te...