• Lawyers Are Like Sperm

    22-03-09 Q: How are lawyers like sperm? A: One out of a million turns out to be a human being....

  • 荷兰男子多处捐精是102名儿童的生物学父亲

    17-08-31 A sperm donor in the Netherlands is the center of a fertility scandal after an investigation showed that he had fathered 102 children by donating at 11 different clinics. 荷兰一位捐精者成为一起生育丑闻的主角,经调查,他在11家不同的诊所捐献了精子,繁...

  • 新奇应用“订购爸爸” 手机挑选捐精者

    16-10-07 A new mobile app has been launched that allows British women to select a sperm donor to father their child. 英国推出一款新的手机应用,让英国女性可以挑选捐精者以便生育子女。 London Sperm Bank Donors, nicknamed order a daddy, lets women browse men by...

  • 北京某医院有偿招募精子捐献者

    16-08-24 The sperm bank of Peking University Third Hospital is calling for healthy, young males to donate their sperm and pledges to reward each donor 5,000 yuan ($751) if the donation is successful. 北京大学第三医院人类精子库呼吁健康的年轻男性捐献精子,并承...

  • 男女通用避孕药即将问世

    16-03-26 A contraceptive pill that could be taken by men as well as women could be on the horizon. 一种男女通用的避孕药即将问世。 A breakthrough in the understanding of the biology of sperm could lead to a unisex version of the Pill, US government-funded sci...

  • 手机离身体太近会降低精子质量

    16-03-04 A new study shows that having a mobile phone close to the testicles - or within a foot or two of the body - can lower sperm levels so much that conceiving could be difficult. 一项最新研究表明,手机的存放位置若靠近睾丸,或者在身体的一两英尺(1英尺=0....