• 《疯狂动物城》第22章

    23-01-30 At her family vegetable stand in Bunnyburrow, Judy bagged carrots for a customer. Four dozen carrots, she said robotically. Have a nice day. Stu and Bonnie approached her, concerned. Hey there, JudeJude the Dude, remember that one? How we doin? aske...

  • 《超能陆战队》第14章

    23-01-28 Hiro couldnt wait to get started. He had Baymax stand in the center of the garage. Okay, arms up, he said as he pulled an electronic device from a shelf. He quickly scanned Baymax, then rolled his chair over to his computer. Will apprehending the ma...

  • can't stand the sight of 见不得,受不了

    22-12-01 表达 cant stand the sight of someone or something 的意思是 非常受不了某人或某物,看着就讨厌。 例句 I cant stand the sight of our old sofa. Its so ugly. 我看见咱们的旧沙发就烦。它太难看了。 My little brother cant stand the sight of spiders. Hes terri...

  • 放鸽子

    22-08-17 1.stand somebody up 放某人鸽子 eg:I didnt mean to stand you up. 我不是故意放你鸽子的。 mean to do sth. 故意做某事 2. get stood up 被放鸽子 eg:Oh shit! I got stood up. 我被放鸽子了。 3.bail on somebody 放某人鸽子 eg:Why did you bail on me last nig...

  • 站队

    22-03-02 1. take sbs part 这个短语的意思是支持(某人),站在(某人)一边。 For once, my brother took my part in the argument. 只有一次我哥哥在争论中站在我这边。 2. speak in sbs favor 这多指公开表示支持,而favor的相关表达be in favor of sth/doing sth就有表示赞...

  • stand out in the crowd 鹤立鸡群

    22-01-22 鹤立鸡群,汉语成语,字面意思是像鹤站在鸡群中一样(like a crane standing among chickens),立表示站立(stand)。比喻一个人的仪表或才能在周围一群人里显得很突出(stand head and shoulders above others,stand out in the crowd,tower over)。 例句: 在周...

  • stand for something 支持、容忍

    21-10-29 stand for something不是为什么东西站着,而是支持、容忍的意思。 例句: The teacher wont stand for any whispering in class. 老师不能容忍课上任何的窃窃私语。 I wont stand for this insolence. 我决不容忍这种傲慢无礼的行为。...