• 中国将加大力度建设重大项目和新型基础设施

    22-09-30 在国家发改委9月26日召开的基础设施建设专题新闻发布会上,国家发改委和国家能源局相关部门负责人介绍,一批交通、新基建、能源等领域重大工程项目将加快落地,为经济社会发展注入持续动力;十四五新基建投资前景持续向好,能源重点领域投资有望较十三五增长20%以上。...

  • 奥巴马讲话 各国面对的经济挑战2

    11-11-12 So with that, let me take a few questions. I'll start with Jim Kuhnhenn of AP. Q New jobless numbers today back in the States. You're on a pace to face the voters with the highest unemployment rate of any postwar President. And doesn't that make you...
