• from the word go 始终,从一开始;完全,彻

    22-02-07 From the word go不是从这个单词走,如果你这么理解,那真的会闹笑话的! From the word go是指始终,从一开始;完全,彻底的意思! 举个例子: Again, your readers will have to buy my book for the whole story, but there is no question that Dumbledore took an...

  • 有哪些表达可以回答how are you

    22-01-25 1. I am gearing up for the week. 我正在为这周做准备呢。 听到这句话,别人也都会因此而感到热情起来了呢! 2. Im happy,I had a great weekend. 我很高兴,我过了一个很好的周末。 这句话的后半部分,可以换成其他的你想分享的东西也是可以的。 3. Same old, Same...

  • complicated and confusing 扑朔迷离

    22-01-04 扑朔迷离,汉语成语,原指把兔子耳朵提起,雄兔会扑腾不停,雌兔会眯上眼睛,而在地上跑的时候雌雄难辨。后来形容事物错综复杂,不容易看清真相。可以翻译为complicated and confusing,或bewildering等。 例句: 扑朔迷离的故事情节 Complicated plot of a story 案情...

  • 别说了。

    21-12-10 别说了。 Lets stop talking. Im tired of talking. (我都说累了。) I dont want to talk anymore. (我不想说了。) 那事儿我听过了。 Ive heard the story before. *用于对方重复说一件事时。 Youve already told me. Im sick and tired of hearing that. (我耳朵都听...

  • buy sb's silence 封住…的嘴

    21-11-10 buy sbs silence 买下某人的沉默,意思就是(做某事或付款以)封住的嘴。 例句: What will we have to do to buy her silence? 我们要怎样才能封住她的嘴? buy the story/excuse buy还有接受,相信(尤指不太可能真实的解释或理由)之意,常接story或excuse等。buy i...

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 34

    21-10-17 1. As a literary figure, Stephen Dedalus appears in two novel by____. A D.H Lawrence B John Galsworthy C George Eliot D James Loyce 2. The French lieutenants woman is the masterpiece of ____. A john Fowles B Doris lessing C Muriel spark D Joseph Con...

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 36

    21-10-17 1. Rip Van Winkle is a short story written by _____. A James Fenimore Cooper B Washington Irving C Edgar Allan Poe D Mark Twain 2. The Legend of Sleeping Hallow is a short story written by ____. A James Fenimore Cooper B Washington Irving C Edgar Al...

  • 和“欢笑”有关的表达

    21-10-02 每年五月的第一个星期日被定为 World Laugher Day 世界大笑日。常言道 欢笑是良药。滑稽、幽默的笑话常令人忍俊不禁、开怀大笑。你擅长讲笑话吗?英语中常用的和 笑话 有关的表达你知道几个?来笑着做下面的六道题。 1. The most important part of a funny story is t...

  • 与“书”有关的词汇

    21-10-02 名人传记、艺术哲学、历史地理 你平时喜欢阅读哪类书籍?你知道它们的英语说法吗?如何形容一本书精彩得让你爱不释手?做以下《英语小测验》,测试你对书籍词汇的掌握。 1. A book with a soft cover is called a ______. a) slimback b) hardback c) paperback d) pul...

  • 6本黑帮小说

    21-08-30 1. The Godfather by Mario Puzo 马里奥普佐的《教父》 An obvious choice, perhaps, but a reflection of how seminal it is to the genre. Francis Ford Coppolas film adaptation is regarded as one of the greatest of all time, but the book is a classic in it...