• 外国网友的一些shower thoughts

    21-07-28 - 1 - When youre a kid, you dont realize youre also watching your mom and dad grow up. 你小的时候意识不到自己也在看着(年轻的)父母成长。 - 2 - It would be cool if after you died you could see the top 5 times you almost died. 如果死后可以看到自己一...

  • 秦淮景

    21-06-17 秦淮景 The Qin Huai Scenery 填词:陈其钢 我有一段情呀 唱给诸公听 I have a story, and let me put it into song. 诸公各位 呀静静心呀 I hope every one of you can listen to me patiently. 让我来 唱一只秦淮景呀 Allow me to sing the legend of the Qinhuai Ri...

  • basis和base的区别

    21-05-26 由于这两个词的复数形式 bases 或者 bases, B A S E S 的发音和 basis, B A S I S 很像,而且 basis 和 base 的含义也有重叠的地方,所以有一些朋友们搞不清楚什么时候应该用哪一个。我们下面就来帮助大家区分它们的主要用法。 首先,名词 basis 只能用来表达抽象层面...

  • 在达尔文提出进化论之前的人

    21-02-27 Youve heard of Charles Darwin, right? The celebrated scientist who proposed a theory of evolution. You might have just about heard of Alfred Russel Wallace, who co-authored, with Darwin, the revolutionary work On the Origin of Species, published in...

  • 做工精湛仿造品愚弄艺术界

    21-02-27 毕加索、达芬奇、安迪沃霍尔、肖恩格林哈尔希肖恩是谁?肖恩格林哈尔希可是艺术界的知名人物,不过艺术界宁愿忘记他才好,因为他伪造并销售仿真度极高的艺术品长达17年之久才被警方逮捕。 On 17 November 2007 a man was jailed for producing works of art. Why? Beca...

  • 贾玲成中国票房最高女导演

    21-02-18 《你好,李焕英》无疑是一部合格的贺岁片。在充满孩子、父母和爆米花的春节档电影院,这部家庭喜剧给人童年一大家子围坐看电视的观感。虽然剧情已经被热搜剧透得差不多,但影片中的那些笑点和泪点还是能一个个地击中你。 讲母亲的国产电影并不少,但这部电影的特殊之处...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 15

    21-01-21 Great was the mourning for Sancho, because his talents and virtues made him universally admired and beloved. Miss Celia advertised, Thorny offered rewards, and even surly Pat kept a sharp look-out for poodle dogs when he went to market; but no Sanch...

  • penetrating 入木三分

    21-01-12 入木三分,汉语成语,字面意思是enter three-tenths of an inch into the timber,形容书法笔力刚劲有力(written in a forceful hand),也比喻对文章或事物见解深刻、透彻,可以用penetrating;profound表示。 例句: 他的分析真是入木三分。 His analysis was reall...

  • 《Erin Brockovich》永不妥协

    20-11-28 Erin Brockovich is a 2000 biographical film directed by Steven Soderbergh. The film is a dramatization of the true story of Erin Brockovich, played by Julia Roberts, who fought against the US West Coast energy corporation Pacific Gas and Electric Co...

  • 《District 9》第九区

    20-11-28 District 9 is a 2009 science fiction thriller film directed by Neill Blomkamp. It was written by Blomkamp and Terri Tatchell, and produced by Peter Jackson and Carolynne Cunningham. The film stars Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope, and David James. The sto...