• 水仙花与稳定的结构设计

    16-05-11 In 1940, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapsed in dramatic fashion, twisting in the wind before it snapped and plunged into the water below. As wind blew across the span, the flow induced oscillating sideways forces that helped bring down the bridge -...

  • multi-department structure 多部门制

    16-03-29 China has reorganized its four military headquarters -- staff, politics, logistics and armaments -- into 15 new agencies under the Central Military Commission (CMC). Wu Qian, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, said the multi-department...

  • 新发现改写吴哥窟的历史

    15-12-10 The temple of Angkor Wat was much larger and more complex than previously thought, University of Sydney archaeologists have discovered. The University of Sydney's Professor Roland Fletcher and Dr Damian Evans lead the Greater Angkor Project in Cambo...

  • 未来的LED可能将由纳米线制作而成

    15-06-25 The latest research from the Niels Bohr Institute shows that LEDs made from nanowires will use less energy and provide better light. The researchers studied nanowires using X-ray microscopy and with this method they can pinpoint exactly how the nano...