• 教师职业倦怠可能与学生压力有关

    16-06-28 Teacher burnout and student stress may be linked, according to a University of British Columbia study. The study is the first of its kind to examine the connection between teacher burnout and students cortisol levels, which are a biological indicato...

  • Four elements 四大元素

    16-06-04 Teacher: What are the four elements of nature? Student: Fire, air, earth, and. Teacher: And what? Just think it over. What do you wash your hands with? Student: Soap! 老师:什么是自然界的四大元素? 学生:火,空气,土,和. 老师:和什么?好好想想,你...

  • Prepare Yourself 自己准备

    16-05-12 A story around campus has it that a student once sent a telegram to his parents reading: Mom-flunked all courses. Kicked out of school, Prepare Pop. Two days later he received a response: Pop prepared. Prepare yourself. 在校园里广为流传着这样一个故...

  • Smart Student 聪明的学生

    16-05-06 Teacher: Name some of Thomas Edisons contributions to science. Students: If it werent for Edison, wed all be watching television by candle light. 老师:列举一些托马斯 爱迪生对科学的贡献。 学生:如果没有爱迪生的话,我们就只能点着蜡烛看电视了。...

  • first-degree murder 一级谋杀罪

    16-03-29 The student, Yue Jiang, 19, died after being shot, police said. Holly Davis, 32, has been charged with first-degree murder . 19岁的中国留学生江玥中枪后身亡。32岁的嫌犯霍莉戴维斯被控一级谋杀罪。 16日下午,受害人江玥驾驶汽车,在交叉路口等红灯时被后车...

  • 2016两会代表精彩语录7

    16-03-25 If we use the National College Entrance Exam as the sole criterion to evaluate every student, it will inevitably end up being an unequal foot race. If we want everyone to have a fair chance to shine, we have to let them choose to run or to swim base...

  • Flunking Math 数学没及格

    16-02-17 My son, who made the dean's list in his freshman year at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, called home a few weeks after starting his sophomore year as a psychology student. Mom, he said excitedly, I have found the answer to surviving colleg...

  • 让人完全摸不着头脑的一道考题

    15-12-19 One perplexed student, known on social media site Imgur as 'Esperagon' and thought to be a student at Sheridan College in Toronto, found himself in exactly that situation after reading a question on his film degree paper and finding that no amount o...

  • Pleasure Is Mental

    15-08-31 A college professor is explaining to his class that pleasure is a mental state, and that many people overlook the things they already have. He says, A man who has developed a true sense of appreciation can enjoy a good bowel movement as much as havi...

  • 英恶作剧年轻人申请上霍格沃茨魔法学院

    15-08-23 Getting into university is hard enough at the best of times - but when your chosen institution is a work of fiction you're really up against. 即便是在最好的时代,考入大学也是挺困难的事儿,要是你选的学校还是小说中虚构的学校,那就难上加难了。 And that...