• The Advantage of Alcohol 酒的好处

    13-01-31 In order to prove the harmful effect of alcohol,the teacher put a bug into a glass filled with alcohol, soon the bug died. The teacher asked a student, What does this show? The student answered, It shows that people won't get parasites if they drink...

  • 学生的社交网络可预测课程成绩

    12-12-28 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev's (BGU) Social Networks Security Research Group in its Department of Information Systems Engineering has developed a novel method to predict how well or badly a student will perform in an academic course. The infor...

  • 英国大学抗议扩招贫困生

    12-12-02 Forcing universities to admit rising numbers of teenagers with lower entry grades risks setting them up to fail, one of Britain's most prestigious institutions has warned. 英国一家最具声望的高校提醒称,强迫大学接受越来越多的贫困学生入学会让大学最终...

  • 邪恶是上帝创造的吗

    12-09-06 A University professor at a well known institution of higher learning challenged his students with this question: Did God create everything that exists? And a student bravely replied, Yes, he did! God created everything? The professor asked. Yes sir...

  • 美国德州发生枪击案 两人死亡

    12-08-14 A gunman has shot and killed a police officer and a civilian near a university in the US state of Texas. 美国德克萨斯州一持枪歹徒在一座大学附近射杀了一名警官和一位平民。 Several others have been admitted to hospital after being wounded in the shooti...

  • 已经绝迹的淡水田螺被重新发现

    12-08-10 A freshwater snail declared extinct in 2000 was recently rediscovered in the Cahaba River by a University of Alabama graduate student. Details of the discovery by Nathan Whelan, a doctoral student in UA's department of biological sciences, will publ...

  • 非比寻常的好朋友

    12-06-28 As I am now a senior high school student, I have a great many friends, but there is one whom I prize over all the rest. I first made his acquaintance when I began to go to school. He has been my constant companion ever since. Though he is serious in...

  • 美国中学生用国旗擦手被停学

    12-06-16 美国弗吉尼亚州一名13岁的中学生因涉嫌在如厕后用国旗擦手而被校方勒令在期末考试期间停学,称其污损公共财产。 A 13-year-old Virginia student was suspended from school during finals for allegedly wiping his hands on the American flag after using the bathr...

  • 剑桥女生参选“年度美臀”引争议

    12-05-27 Female students at the Cambridge University have submitted risque photographs of their behinds in the hope of clinching the title rear of the year. 剑桥大学一些女生最近向一个独立学生网站提交了她们的美臀艳照,以期夺得这一荣誉年度美臀。 One going by t...

  • 哈佛普林斯顿歧视亚裔学生被调查

    12-02-18 The Education Department's Office of Civil Rights is investigating a complaint that Harvard and Princeton universities discriminates against Asian-Americans. 据报道,美国教育部民权办公室针对哈佛大学和普林斯顿大学在本科招生时歧视亚裔的投诉已展开调查...