• 术后急性肾损伤有预兆

    11-08-13 Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common -- but preventable -- complication after surgery that can lead to other complications or even death. The use and development of biomarkers will help physicians diagnose and treat acute kidney injury. Three prote...

  • 关节镜治疗普通臀部问题能改善运动范围

    11-07-11 Arthroscopic(关节镜的) treatment of a common hip problem that leads to arthritis is successful in terms of restoring range of motion, according to results from a recent Hospital for Special Surgery study. The study will be presented at the annual...

  • 膝关节手术后缺少运动可能加重关节炎风险

    11-07-10 The onset of osteoarthritis(骨关节炎) may be related to a loss of knee motion after reconstructive ACL surgery, as noted in new research presented at the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine's Annual Meeting in San Diego, California, J...

  • E街乐队萨克斯手克莱蒙斯离世

    11-06-19 Clarence Clemons, the saxophone player in Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band, has died, aged 69, a spokeswoman for the band has said. E街乐队一位女发言人称,该乐队的萨克斯手克拉伦斯克莱蒙斯离世,享年69岁。 Clemons (left) and Springsteen worked togeth...

  • 做过减肥手术的人骨折几率大

    11-06-05 People who have had gastric bypass(胃绕道手术) surgery or other bariatric(肥胖症治疗学) weight-loss surgery have an even higher increased risk of breaking bones than previously found. These study findings will be presented Tuesday at The Endocri...

  • 手术减肥法适应于成人

    11-03-06 Bariatric surgery refers to several different surgical procedures designed to assist weight loss by limiting the amount of food someone eats or the amount they absorb during digestion(消化,领悟) . It has been used for several years to treat obesi...

  • 关节更换手术即将应用防感染新方法

    11-02-18 A rinsing(清水,残渣) technique with betadine that costs just a little over one dollar per patient may significantly reduce the infection rate following total knee and hip joint replacement surgery according to a study by researchers at Rush Unive...

  • 调查:完美女人的风貌

    11-02-09 The perfect woman should have Taylor Swift's hair, Natalie Portman's nose and the body of curvy star Penelope Cruz, according to a survey by Hollywood plastic surgeons. 好莱坞整容医师进行的一项调查发现,完美的女人应该拥有泰勒斯威夫特的头发、娜塔莉波...

  • 微创技术可用来修复面瘫

    11-01-18 A procedure involving only one small incision(切口,雕刻) and no major modifications to bone can be used to transpose(调换) a tendon(肌腱) and appears helpful in reanimating(鼓舞,使复活) the lower face after paralysis, according to a report...

  • 医疗器械留在儿童体内危险但不致命

    10-11-16 Surgical items, such as sponges(海绵) and small instruments, left in the bodies of children who undergo surgery are quite uncommon and rarely fatal but decidedly dangerous and expensive mistakes, according to a Johns Hopkins Children's Center stud...