• 我服了你

    22-03-22 任何语言都脱离不了语境,也就是说,离开了语境的语言是没有意义的。我们想想,在哪些情况下我们会说出我服了你? 01 第一种情况 比如你和一个朋友争论一件事情,一开始唇枪舌战互不相让,最后说不过你朋友,认个怂,结束这场争辩。此时,你往往会有点不耐烦地说:好吧...

  • The Seven Swabians

    12-04-10 Once seven Swabians were together. The first was Herr Schulz, the second Jackli, the third Marli, the fourth Jergli, the fifth Michal, the sixth Hans, and the seventh Veitli. All seven had decided to travel throughout the world seeking adventure and...

  • 蒋干盗书

    11-09-15 This is an episode from the Three Kingdoms. Cao cao sent a letter to Zhou Yu to summon him to surrender. Zhou Yu tore Cao's letter to pieces. Zhou Yu's classmate, Jiang Gan, was working for Cao Cao as an adviser, Jiang offered to travel to Wu to per...
