• put your foot in your mouth 无意中说错话而伤害了别人

    22-06-10 1. put your foot in your mouth 无意中说错话而伤害了别人 例句: I certainly put my foot in my mouth at the party last night when I asked Mr. Brown to say hello to his wife for me. Somehow Id forgotten that his wife died six months ago. 我昨晚在那个聚...

  • pig的习惯用语

    22-02-09 live like pigs in clover 养尊处优 pig between two sheets 火腿三明治 pig in the middle 夹在中间的人 pig sweat 啤酒、劣酒 drive ones pigs to market 打鼾 please the pigs 如果运气好的话 sell a pig in a bag 挂羊头买狗肉 sweat like a pig 大汗淋漓 go to pi...

  • no sweat 没问题

    21-08-12 No sweat 是一个非常口语化的表达,意思是指什么事情很容易,举手之劳,没问题。 例句 Can you take the rubbish out for me? Sure, no sweat! We only have tea to drink, is that OK? Yeah, no sweat. 请注意 另一个短语 to sweat blood 和 no sweat 的意思正好相反...

  • uneasy at heart 忐忑不安

    21-06-28 忐忑不安,汉语成语,形容心神不定,极为不安。可以翻译为be fidgety,uneasy at heart,或用make someone sweat表示,意思是to cause one to be in a state of fear, anxiety, or worry。 例句: 面试过程中,他们的确使我忐忑不安。 They really made me sweat durin...

  • be streaming with sweat 汗流浃背

    21-05-19 汗流浃背,汉语成语,意思是汗水流得满背都是,多形容因恐惧或体力消耗流了很多汗,衣服都湿透了。可以翻译为be streaming with sweat(from fear or physical exertion),或be soaked with sweat。 例句: 在阳光的强烈照射下他们已经汗流浃背。 Already they were s...