• tall poppy syndrome 高大罂粟花综合症

    22-10-12 近日,澳大利亚喜剧演员瑞贝尔威尔森(Rebel Wilson)在对她的诽谤案中胜诉。她起诉了几家知名的澳大利亚杂志出版商,因他们刊登文章指责她在年龄和背景信息上撒谎。在推特上,威尔森讽刺性地感谢澳大利亚黑幕媒体,称其为高大罂粟花综合症 / tall poppy syndrome。 澳...

  • irritable male syndrome 暴躁男性综合症

    22-10-12 是否遇到过点火就着的男同事或者男性朋友?难道他们每月也固定有那么几天心情不快?这其实是睾酮激素水平突然下降惹的祸。 Irritable male syndrome refers to anger and irritableness in men caused by a sudden drop in testosterone levels, particularly when bro...

  • 心碎综合征

    21-06-23 当一个人感到伤心时,通常会说我的心都碎了。虽然这只是一种比喻,人的心脏并不会因为悲伤的情绪碎裂成片,但是却可能出现心碎综合征。 心碎综合征是指人在经历重大外部事件打击时,会产生极其哀伤、悲痛或愤怒的心理,同时出现了类似于心脏疾病的症状,比如会有胸痛、...

  • hurried child syndrome 忙碌儿童综合征

    18-04-23 Hurried child syndrome refers to a condition in which parents overschedule their childrens lives, push them hard for academic success, and expect them to behave and react as miniature adults. 忙碌儿童综合征指的是家长将孩子的生活安排得过满、极力要求...

  • Sedentary Death Syndrome 坐以待毙综合征

    18-03-01 Sedentary Death Syndrome refers to death caused by extreme inactivity and poor nutrition. 坐以待毙综合征指的是由于极度缺乏体力活动和营养不良导致死亡。 Sedentary death syndrome (SeDS) is a major public health burden due to its causing multiple chroni...

  • CHAOS 恐惧邀请综合征

    18-03-01 Are you feeling like youll always be embarrassed to have people come over to your house because of the mess? You might have Cant Have Anyone Over Syndrome, or C.H.A.O.S for short. 你是否感觉经常因为家里凌乱不堪而不好意思邀请别人来做客?你也许患上了...

  • 澳7岁女孩患罕见蓬发综合征

    17-08-04 Meet an adorable girl, with an extremely rare condition that makes her hair as wild as Albert Einstein . 来认识一下这个可爱的小女孩吧,她患有一种极其罕见的疾病,让她的头发看起来像阿尔伯特爱因斯坦一样狂野。 Shilah Calvert-Yins incredible bouffant do...

  • sequel syndrome 续集病

    16-07-27 Movie studios appear to be suffering from something called sequelitis or sequel syndrome . Film makers everywhere began to jump on the bandwagon of making sequels or prequels by extending the story of a successful film. 电影制作方似乎患上了一种叫做...

  • Paris syndrome 巴黎症候群

    16-06-05 哈巴黎,是和中国人哈韩相似的文化现象,指日本人对于巴黎的热爱远远超乎大家的想象,日本各路媒体对于巴黎之美的渲染、宣传,让大多数日本人对于巴黎有了份一厢情愿的喜欢。而其实日本人所热爱的是自己想象中的巴黎。 Paris syndrome is a transient psychological di...

  • economy class syndrome 经济舱综合征

    16-06-03 Economy class syndrome : The formation of blood clots in veins deep within the legs -- deep vein thrombosis -- occurring during (or just after) a long airplane flight, especially in economy class (tourist class) where there is the least space allott...