• Under the Lilacs - Chapter 16

    21-01-21 A few days later, Miss Celia was able to go about with her arm in a sling, pale still, and rather stiff, but so much better than any one expected, that all agreed Mr. Paine was right in pronouncing Dr. Mills a master hand with broken bones. Two devo...

  • turn the table 反败为胜

    21-01-11 反败为胜,汉语成语,意思是扭转败局,变为胜利(snatch a victory out of defeat;turn defeat into victory)。与英文俗语turn the table意思相同,表示to change from being in a weaker position in relation to someone else to being in a stronger position。...

  • 开饭啦!

    20-10-17 1. Grubs up. 开饭了;饭好了。 名词grub是食物的口语说法,不适用于正式场合。 比如:good grub好吃的东西;pub grub酒吧食物;grab some grub 吃点东西。 2. Foods on the table. 饭已经上桌了。 我们可以用这句话表示食物已经准备好,就等大家来吃了。 3. Come and...

  • 在国外餐厅用餐如何称呼"服务员"?

    20-10-14 如果你在国外餐厅用餐,可千万别叫服务员waiter,真的很不礼貌!大家都会认为你特别瞧不起服务员! 老外对服务员的称呼一般有以下两种: ① 一般在餐厅外国人习惯于说Excuse me Excuse me, could you please clean the table? 服务员,请把桌子收拾干净! Excuse me,D...

  • 刘国梁重返国乒

    18-09-28 Chinas table tennis legend Liu Guoliang announces his return to the sports association in Beijing on Thursday. 中国乒乓球传奇刘国梁周四在北京宣布重回国乒协会。 Liu, however, was not coming back as head coach of the Chinese national team, but as the...

  • 日本奇葩比赛:掀桌子比赛

    18-07-03 The Japanese are no strangers to unusual competitions, so I guess it makes sense that theyve found a way to turn a rage-induced reaction like flipping a table into an annual contest. 日本人对各种奇葩比赛并不陌生,所以他们将发泄情绪的掀桌子变成一项年...

  • 英国餐厅用餐应该注意哪些

    17-08-30 Clicking your fingers for the waiter Being too loud and raucous Letting children listen to videos on a phone Blowing your nose in a napkin Texting at the table Letting your children play with cutlery and condiments Placing your phone on the table ne...

  • Small dining table 小饭桌

    17-05-26 Small dining table (xiao fan zhuo in Chinese) is a commonly accepted name for lunch services provided by schools, communities or private homes for primary and middle school students who live far away from schools or whose parents are too busy to pre...

  • 张继科将在新教练指导下进行训练

    17-04-07 Table tennis Olympic and world champion Zhang Jike is set to train under a new coach after the Chinese national team announced Thursday to make the most changes in a decade to its coaching staff. 乒乓球奥运冠军以及世界冠军张继科将在新教练指导下进行...

  • 一次性筷子独特的使用方法

    16-02-20 An Australian woman has accidentally become a viral online sensation after sharing an image of a 'life hack' which has shown people worldwide they've been using chopsticks wrong all their lives. 一名澳大利亚女性意外成为了网络红人,只因她在网上分享了...