• 拜登总统要求商务部取消部分对华关税

    22-06-10 美国商务部长吉娜雷蒙多6月5日在接受美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)采访时表示,拜登总统要求他的团队考虑取消部分对华关税,以抑制当前居高不下的通胀。 US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said on Sunday that President Joe Biden has asked his team to look at the...

  • 白宫可能会取消特朗普任期对中国输美商品加征的部分关税

    22-05-18 美国总统拜登5月10日表示,白宫可能会取消特朗普任期对中国输美商品加征的部分关税,以平抑物价。白宫正在审查这些关税,并可能选择将其一并取消。本文作者认为,加征关税成本被转嫁给美国制造商和消费者,美国目前通胀持续高涨,而要想解决通胀问题,取消对中国商品加...

  • zero-tariff policy 零关税政策

    20-12-04 财政部、海关总署、税务总局印发《关于海南自由贸易港原辅料零关税政策的通知》,该政策自2020年12月1日起执行。零关税政策是在今年6月1日《海南自由贸易港建设总体方案》正式公布后,中央和海南省政府推进海南自贸港建设的最新举措。 According to Notice on the Hain...

  • 印度对28种美国商品征收报复性关税

    19-06-17 Indias newly increased tariffs on 28 American goods came into effect from Sunday, as a retaliatory measure to Washingtons recent refusal to exempt India from higher steel and aluminum tariffs. 印度对28种美国商品新增加的关税于周日生效,这是为了报复美...

  • 中国将削减1585个税目的进口关税

    18-09-27 China will reduce import tariffs on 1,585 taxable items starting Nov. 1, to serve industrial upgrading, lower corporate cost and meet domestic demand. 11月1日起,中国将削减1585个税目的进口关税以服务产业升级、降低企业成本以及满足国内需求。 The new po...

  • 五角大楼:关税可能影响国防采办

    18-08-24 U.S. defense officials on Thursday expressed concerns that U.S. tariffs against foreign made cars can undermine defense acquisition efforts. 美国国防部官员周四表示,美国向外国产车辆征收关税可能影响国防采办工作。 Speaking at a National Defense Indust...

  • 中国降汽车关税给英国车企带来希望

    18-04-13 China, which has the worlds largest automotive industry, has revealed plans to cut import tariffs on vehicles. 中国,有着世界上最大的汽车产业,透露了削减进口汽车关税的计划。 This has been received positively by the British motor industry, which sees...

  • 中国将免除所有癌症药物的进口关税

    18-04-13 China will exempt import tariffs on all cancer drugs and encourage the import of more innovative drugs, according to a statement released after an executive meeting of the State Council presided over by Premier Li Keqiang on Thursday. 李克强总理周四...

  • 中国将调整个人物品进口关税

    15-05-25 The Ministry of Finance on Monday announced adjustments on the tariffs levied on the import of personal items to stimulate domestic consumption. 中国财政部周一宣布调整进口个人物品的关税税率以刺激国内消费。 Starting from June 1, import tariffs on sui...
