• to be the cat's whiskers 成为了不起的人物

    21-08-25 To be the cats whiskers 是一个老式表达,指某人成为了了不起的人物。 例句 Mary thought she was the cats whiskers in her new coat. This is a posh school and everybody thinks its students are the cats whiskers but the teachers know they are not! 请注意...

  • 英大学应停用高考预测成绩录取新生

    21-04-02 英国学校的校长和老师们纷纷呼吁,英国大学应停止使用预测成绩录取学生。一项来自英国大学学院工会的研究称,没有任何一个发达国家会根据学生自己的估分情况来进行录取工作。 The lecturers union says people should know their final exam results before applying f...

  • 科学依据要准确

    21-02-27 Sci-fi movies tend to capture childrens imaginations and have long been part of students excited chats in the schoolyard. But now a scientific journal has urged at least one sci-fi movie to be shown in class by science teachers. Scientific papers pu...

  • education evaluation reform 教育评价改革

    20-10-21 近日,中共中央、国务院印发《深化新时代教育评价改革总体方案》,要求改革对学生、教师、学校的评价体系,培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。方案强调,要遵循科学评价原则,扭转长期形成的不科学的教育评价导向。 China has issued a guideline for d...

  • 港澳台居民可申请在大陆当老师

    19-01-11 Residents of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan are allowed to sign up and sit teaching qualification exams for primary and middle school teachers in the Chinese mainland. 香港、澳门和台湾居民现已允许在大陆报名参加中小学教师资格考试。 They are also allowe...

  • 彭丽媛在南非出席教师毕业典礼

    18-07-25 Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping and a UNESCO Special Envoy for the Advancement of Girls and Womens Education, attended a graduation ceremony for pre-school teachers in the South African capital of Pretoria on Tuesday. 彭丽媛,中国...

  • 伦敦某小学师生上课不准穿鞋

    18-06-11 A school in north London has gone shoe-free in a bid to make children feel more at home in classes. 伦敦北部一所小学的师生上课不穿鞋,目的是让孩子在课堂里感觉更自在。 Pupils at the Torriano School in Kentish Town are being told to take off their sho...

  • 英国老师将佩戴摄像头上课

    17-02-19 Teachers in UK schools are trialling the use of body cameras in class to record bad pupils behaviour, it has been revealed. 英国学校的教师们正在尝试在课堂上使用随身摄像头,记录表现差的孩子们的行为。 At least two schools in England have introduced th...

  • 防学生作弊新招 头戴报纸

    17-01-15 School teachers in China have apparently come up with an ingenious way to stop their students from cheating in exams. 中国学校的老师们似乎想出了一个防止学生作弊的妙招。 Pupils from a middle school in east Chinas Anhui Province were told to wear news...

  • 调查:上海的初中教师是世界上最优秀的教育者

    16-03-07 Experts have rated Shanghai's junior high school teachers among the world's most qualified, thanks to their diversified teaching approaches, well-rounded training and rewarding career paths. 上海市的初中老师教学方法多样、坚持全面发展、专业水平够格,...