• 什么是Wordle

    22-11-19 Wordle是一款简单的英文拼字游戏,这个游戏每天更新一期,玩家唯一目标,就是在六次尝试机会之内,猜出一个五个字母的单词。 游戏界面是一个 56 的方块阵列。玩家通过下方键盘输入猜测结果后,游戏会给字母方块标上颜色,提示猜测的准确性: 绿色:说明答案里有这个字...

  • like a bat out of hell 某事儿发生得很快很突然

    22-05-12 Like a bat out of hell Meaning: This term is used to describe something that happens very quickly or suddenly. 这个习语被用于描述某事儿发生得很快很突然。 Example: You will be flying like a bat out of hell. 你将会嗖的一下飞起来。...

  • 粉丝 下

    22-04-13 fandom 粉丝圈 Fandom (consisting of fan plus the suffix -dom, as in kingdom, freedom, etc.) is a term used to refer to a subculture composed of fans characterized by a feeling of sympathy and camaraderie with others who share a common interest. Fand...

  • 英国人最爱的俚语 3

    22-04-11 11. Damp Squib 失败,落空 More of an usual term, a damp squib in British slang terms refers to something which fails on all accounts. 这是一个常用的术语,在英式俚语中damp squib是指某事在各个方面都不成功。 For example, The party was a bit of a damp s...

  • 提喻

    22-03-28 A synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a term for a part of something refers to the whole of something or vice versa. 提喻是一种修辞,指用事物的局部指代整体,或者相反(整体指代局部)。 其中,主要还是以局部指代整体居多。 例如: sails-ship 船帆...

  • 高级形容词 上

    22-03-22 洗炼 Terseness / Make Writing Succinct 精简词句,提炼要义。洗炼是一种文字干净、主旨鲜明的文学风格。 This term means that wording should be refined to highlight the essential message. Terseness is a mark of neat and thematically explicit writing. ▌...

  • term

    20-11-02 Term 既可以作名词,也可以作动词使用,它是一个典型的多义词,包含 term 的英语表达和固定搭配也多种多样。不过由于节目篇幅有限,我们不能面面俱到,所以下面着重围绕 term 的名词用法展开讲解。 Term 这个词的第一个意思和语言的联系十分紧密。名词 term 可以表示...

  • 维密签约14码模特拍广告

    19-10-11 For the first time in its history, Victorias Secret is featuring a size-14 woman in its advertisements. 维密历史上首次签约14码模特拍摄广告片。 I never expected that I was going to see an image of myself on the wall next to these top super models tha...