• 发短信还是打电话好?

    21-03-30 在与家人和朋友交流时,你喜欢发短信还是喜欢打电话?近些年来,随着手机的普及,通过短信交流变得越来越流行。有些人甚至因为忙着发短信,而没空接电话。 The telephone was an amazing invention. People could finally speak to each other instantly from one home...

  • 火奴鲁鲁:行人在过马路时看手机或将罚款

    17-07-22 Most states have banned texting while driving. But what about texting while walking? 美国多数州都禁止在开车时发短信。那么边走边发短信呢? The Honolulu City Council passed a bill Wednesday that prohibits pedestrians from looking at their mobile devic...

  • the petextrian 行走短信族

    16-02-16 There's a new creature roaming the streets: the petextrian , or texting pedestrian. 大街上游荡着一个新的群族:行走短信族,也就是边走边发短信的行人。 You know him by his hunched-over posture, staring at a blazing screen while weaving down the street....

  • 开车时发短信极易导致车祸

    12-05-26 一份研究报告显示,美国每年有5000多人死于开车发短信和打电话,而20岁以下的驾车者尤其容易在开车时分神。 Texting and talking on cell phones behind the wheel kills more than 5,000 people every year on US highways. Teen drivers seem to be especially susce...

  • 美国小镇将向走路发短信者罚款

    12-05-18 美国新泽西州的利堡小镇警方近期宣布,凡在该地区发现边走路边发短信的行人,将一律罚款85美元。 Avid(渴望的,贪婪的) texters beware: Fort Lee, N.J. police said they will begin issuing $85 jaywalking(走路不遵守交通规则) tickets to pedestrians(行人)...

  • 生活压力引发人们发“睡眠短信”

    11-11-26 The stress of daily life has sparked a new phenomenon - sleep texting. 日常生活的压力引发了一种新现象发睡眠短信。 People with the rare condition send incoherent(语无伦次的) text messages while asleep to their friends and family - completely unawar...

  • mass texting 群发短信

    11-04-01 An agreement among the country's three main mobile network operators last June stipulates that if the number of mass texting from a phone number reaches 200 within an hour or 1,000 within a day, the phone's message service will be suspended for a we...

  • 潘基文严禁工作人员驾驶时发短信

    10-05-22 Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Wednesday he was banning all drivers of United Nations vehicles from texting while driving, to back efforts to curb a practice believed to kill thousands of people each year. 联合国秘书长潘基文于本周三宣布,联合...

  • 不受欢迎的15个美国流行语

    10-04-25 Bromance 兄弟情谊 Brother(兄弟)+Romance(罗曼斯)=男人间的哥们义气。别迷恋哥,哥是个传说。 Sexting 性短信 很简单,sexting就是sex + texting的合并组合,中文中可以说得更简单:性短信。正如劣币驱逐良币,这年头性短信驱逐短信息。 In these economic times....

  • 驾驶同时发短信更为危险

    09-12-23 A timely study in the journal Human Factors suggests why texting while driving is riskier than talking on a cell phone or with another passenger. Human factors/ ergonomics人类工程学 researchers at the University of Utah found that texters in a drivi...