• 十大“中老年表情符号”

    22-10-17 1 - Thumbs up - 24% 点赞 2 - Red love heart - 22% 爱心 3 - OK hand - 20% OK手势 4 - Tick - 17% 对钩 5 - Poo - 17% 便便 6 - Loudly crying face - 16% 大哭 7 - Monkey eye cover - 15% 捂眼睛 8 - Clapping hands - 10% 拍手 9 - Lipstick kiss mark - 10% 口...

  • give something the thumbs up 同意赞成

    21-08-13 短语 to give something the thumbs up 竖起大拇指,意思就是赞成同意一件事情。 例句 Daisys cake was delicious Id definitely give it the thumbs up. Wait until I give the thumbs up before you send that email to head office. The boss just gave me the thum...

  • 几个关于“无聊”的表达

    21-07-01 watching paint dry无聊透顶 它的字面意思一目了然:是多么无聊的一件事啊! Listening to his lecture is like watching paint dry. 听他的讲座简直无聊透顶。 twiddling thumbs无所事事 无聊的时候,也许你会摆摆手指头,彰显自己自带节奏,但这是非常无聊的动作。 t...

  • Facebook发布“不喜欢”按钮

    14-12-19 Facebook just released a dislike button -- of sorts. 脸书刚刚发布了类似于不喜欢按钮的东东。 Now if you're using Facebook Messenger, the social network's chat feature, you can let the person you're talking to know how much you totally hate what they'...

  • F1车手阿隆索大拇指价值千万欧元

    10-05-02 Double world champion Fernando Alonso gave a 10 million euro ($13.33 million) thumbs-up to future Formula One success with Ferrari Monday. 两届世界一级方程式赛车(F1)冠军、法拉利车手费尔南多阿隆索于本周一对法拉利车队未来的表现十分有信心,并高高竖起...
