• Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 22

    21-02-24 With a deep sigh, Buck lifted his face from the water and regarded her gratefully. That just about saved my life, he murmured. Mary Thorne carefully set down the improvised water-bucket, its contents much depleted, and taking out her handkerchief, s...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 20

    21-02-24 The discovery galvanized Stratton into instant, alert attention. Motor-cars were rare in this remote range country and confined almost solely to the sort of flivver which is not entirely dependent on roads. The presence in the north pasture of this...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 11

    21-02-24 As Buck appeared in the doorway, blinking a little at the lamp-light, the five card-players stared at him in astonishment. Where the devil have you been? inquired Kreeger, surprised out of his accustomed taciturnity. I thought yuh was asleep, added...

  • 一些人约会总是迟到的原因

    21-02-23 每个人身边总有那么几个爱迟到的朋友,他们姗姗来迟背后的原因是什么?是因为他们不讲礼貌或不懂得体谅别人吗?一些研究表明,事实并不仅仅是我们想象的那么简单。 We all have one, dont we? A friend whos always late. The one who turns up for coffee a full half...

  • 多晚算太晚?

    21-02-10 你也许听说过better late than never 晚来总比不来强这个说法。那么,到底多晚算太晚?生活在不同文化背景中的人,对时间的概念、对迟到的定义大相径庭。 Time flies, or so they say. No matter where you are, humans are constantly measuring and checking time. S...

  • ETA 预计到达时间

    21-01-31 ETA 是 estimated time of arrival 的首字母缩写词,意思是 预计到达时间。它通常被用来告知某人在乘坐火车、公共汽车或航班后到达目的地的预计时间。除此之外,ETA 也可以用来表示邮寄信件、包裹的 预计收件时间 ,和预约与人见面的 预计来访时间。这个词常见于口语交...

  • come in from the cold 不再受冷落

    21-01-28 表达 come in from the cold 可以描述 某人在受到一段时间的冷落后,或在被排斥后回归正常,预期这个人将重新恢复以往的工作职位。这个表达多用在谈论与商务有关的话题中,同时也可以用在描述个人情况的语境中。表达中的动词 come 可以用 bring 来替换,即 bring someo...

  • 15个英语俚语

    21-01-26 01 lit When something is exciting, really enjoyable, you can say its lit. 当某件事令人兴奋或是非常愉悦时,你可以说lit。 02 GOAT It is an acronym of Greatest Of All Time. GOAT是Greatest Of All Time的首字母缩写,意思是有史以来最棒的。 03 snatched When...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 5

    21-01-24 BEFORE she had time to find a new situation, Christie received a note from Miss Tudor, saying that hearing she had left Mrs. Saltonstall she wanted to offer her the place of companion to an invalid girl, where the duties were light and the compensat...

  • Muxica

    21-01-20 Muxica Alberto Ros The border fence, The crossing chain links, the twisted wires: The fence is strung like two harps At cross-purposes, Two harps at the same time: One with its strings up and down, The other with its strings sideways. To make music...